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May 2, 2024
Yuan-ti Anathema by Iromonik
Featured by LukasFractalizator
Iromonik's avatar

Yuan-ti Anathema


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The customer wrote to me like that - we died so epically in the last game, I want you to draw it.

It was a half orc barbarian and a human wizard. They were fighting a yuan-ti anathema, the barbarian was doing barbarian things and the wizard casted prismatic spray, which at the end of everything petrified all three of them together in a state of battle. Everyone was grappled together.

For commission work contact me iromonik
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Image size
1900x1069px 1.55 MB
© 2023 - 2024 Iromonik
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Elioenai's avatar

Firstly Congratulations on your DD :D With art this good I am seriously not surprised it got choosen! :heart: The amount of detail in this is truly magnificent :love: