Butch123 on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/butch123/art/CrystaL-93973190Butch123

Deviation Actions

Butch123's avatar





This windowblind is completely updated. All known issues have been fixed

New Window Frames
New Glass everywhere
New Minimize, Maximize, Close Buttons
Also added global flashing, including the Start Button
Hope you like these updates...

Hope you enjoy this windowblind and as always comments are welcomed and appreciated

Other Windowblinds

BlackGlass [link]

Clear Black [link]

Clear [link]

MidNight [link]

CrystaL [link]

Hope you enjoy this windowblind

Download [link]

Note Ah, finally the download here at Deviant Art works so if you dont want to download it from Wincustomized, just click the donwload button at the top on your left to download the file. Glad to see this option has been fixed...
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Eurein's avatar
Consider to change the name Crystal addicting something on it, cause the name already exist by mrrste on deviantart. The instalation of your skin make me lost the mrrste's Crystal. Anyway your skin its great.