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MidNight For XP and Vista

This windowblind is completely updated. You now have 3 windowblinds in one. One for Windows XP, and 2 for Windows vista. Windows Vista consists of one with transparent explorer background and one with solid background so you have your choice. I do not have XP so my dear friend Ana was kind enough to do the XP conversion
Complete update. All known issues have been fixed

New Window Frames
New Glass everywhere
New Minimize, Maximize, Close Buttons
Also added global flashing, including the Start Button.and so on

Other Windowblinds

BlackGlass [link]

Clear Black [link]

Clear [link]

CrystaL2 [link]

CrystaL [link]

My Gallery Link [link]

Hope you enjoy this windowblind and as always comments are welcomed and appreciated

Wall Configurations by *davemetlesits [link]
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