US Health News

Updated: 17:13 EDT

Health warning issued as incurable rat disease kills four people in two US states

Hantavirus - which is fatal in 36 percent of cases - typically causes about 30 cases per year in the US, mostly in western and southwestern areas. But some states are now recording a surge in the disease. In infection hotspot Arizona , officials have issued a warning after recording seven cases and three deaths this year - compared to 11 cases in the six years from 2016 to 2022. There have also been two cases and one death in California , including in a county that hasn't detected the virus for two decades.

I'm a white woman born into a biracial family due to an IVF mix-up - my childhood was a lie

Hadeya Okeafor in Canada [shown] detailed the effects of an IVF mixup in the '90s that distinguished her from her black brothers and sisters. Her mother is white, and her father is black. But rather than her father's sperm being used to fertilize an embryo, Dr Firouz Khamsi fertilized the egg with sperm from a white brunette man.

Researchers in China found that adults with more belly and arm fat were up to 20 percent more likely to develop cognitive illnesses like dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

Testing positive for Covid is no more likely to cause symptoms like fatigue than other illnesses, according to a study from University of California - Los Angeles (UCLA), which was funded by the CDC.

Women have conceived children in some surprising ways that seem to defy the laws of biology. One factor that unites them all is the resilience of the human reproductive system to perform against the odds.

How the death of 24yo Pan Xiaoting in China added to the grotesque rise of extreme eating

In addition to drastically raising one's risk of obesity and, therefore, heart disease and diabetes, mukebang, or consuming that much food in a single sitting, can cause the stomach to become distended and rupture, sending food into the abdomen.

Living with anxiety could increase your risk of dementia, a first-of-its-kind study from researchers in Australia found. But treating anxiety in a timely manner reduced this risk factor.

The research claimed two girls' symptoms were drastically reduced after a two-year programme of interventions, but experts say it was poorly devised and amounts to no more than an 'anecdote'.

Tragic baby is born with four legs, four arms and two faces - in one-of-a-kind phenomenon

WARNING: EXTREMELY GRAPHIC CONTENT. A child in India has died after being born with four arms, four legs, and two faces. This week, the baby's mother, 38-year-old Rama Devi, was rushed to a rural hospital when she started experiencing labor pains. However, hospital staff and villagers were shocked to find that the child was conjoined with another body that had not fully developed. This had caused the child to come out with two sets of faces, legs, and arms. It appears that the underdeveloped legs and arms were protrouding out from the child's chest. The child died several hours after birth.

Women smell more 'attractive' to men at times when they are most likely to conceive a baby. But the aroma of 'femme fertile' is a myth, according to a new study, by researchers at Leipzig University.

Longevity experts in New York City made the AI-powered tool which estimates biological age - or the age of cells - with just 24 questions.

When it comes to your health, you're better off with a female doctor, according to a new study from researchers in four US states and published in the journal JAMA Network Open.

It's claimed Eroxon MED3000 gel works in less than ten minutes by creating a cooling and warming sensation while relaxing the smooth muscle tissue inside the penis.

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Swallow your chewing gum? Experts warn it raises risk of a gruesome medical condition...

Bezoars are collections of indigestible matter that accumulate in parts of our digestive system such as the stomach, intestines, and windpipe and that can remain hidden for years. While bezoars in humans are rare, cases do crop up. Just this month a 24-year-old woman in Ecuador had a colossal 16in mass of hair, roughly the size of beach ball, removed from her stomach. And in the UK a seven-year-old girl from Newcastle had a cricket-ball sized mass of hair removed from her stomach, according to Dr Dan Baumgardt an expert pharmacology and neuroscience at the University of Bristol. Writing for the website, The Conversation , Dr Baumgardt said it wasn't just hair that could form the basis of a bezoar.

FDA recalls herbal supplement sold on Amazon after finding 'serious and life-threatening'

Infla-650 is a $55 'blend of ancient Indian herbs' sold nationwide that claims to help soothe the joints of users and maintain healthy bones. But routine FDA testing revealed the 'supplements' were tainted with three drugs not listed on the label - including Phenylbutazone, which was also banned in the US in the 1980s after it was linked to a spate of deaths.

Startling graphs show not getting enough sleep, or getting too much, can be DEADLY

While many like to snooze longer on weekends or pull all-nighters for an arduous work project, getting too much or too little of it can raise one's risk of developing heart attack , stroke, obesity , and death. Graphs depicting the harms of unhealthy sleep show a J or U-shaped curve, with risk starting high on the left with fewer hours of sleep, dipping in the middle with optimal sleep, and rising high toward the right with more sleep than is recommended.

Pan Xiaoting [left], a 24-year-old binge-eating live-streamer died while broadcasting a 10-hour food binge to thousands of her followers. Autopsy results revealed a severely deformed stomach.

Researchers say that a flu-like illness caused by fumes from burning nonstick pans hit its highest levels in decades in 2023.

Therapists warned that working from home can lead to a couple becoming stuck in a 'monotonous' routine, sapping desire, while bringing the desk to the home can also blur the lines between work and play - leading to more stress.

Researchers say they are 'extremely excited' about findings which indicate that thousands of proteins in a drop of blood can onset of many different conditions.

Dr Jason Singh, a physician who shares his expert tips and knowledge with his 96,000 followers on TikTok , uses the 'two towel method'.

Teen boy in India dies from incurable brain virus as authorities race to track down 200 of

The 14-year-old school-child was diagnosed with Nipah virus in the country's southern state of Kerala, and died after suffering from a cardiac arrest. Officials are now monitoring 214 people for infection, 60 of which are thought to be at high risk of having also caught the virus. Three in four people who catch the virus die from it, data shows — far higher than Covid's current fatality rate of less than one percent.

American behavioural specialist Gregg Levoy said that for people who ramble on and on, speech can become 'a barrier rather than a connector'.

Researchers in Ireland made the discovery after reviewing six common diets and how they impact the gut microbiome.

If you lose weight without cutting down calories or working out more in the gym, it could be a sign of something more sinister. Experts warn to could be caused by diabetes, cancer or stress.


Ultra-processed food can be hard to resist. Not only is it designed to be quick and convenient to eat, research shows that certain additives can lead to addictive eating behaviours.

Researchers have discovered that those who think relationships grow through effort, instead, tend to maintain higher levels of satisfaction over the years.


Blood tests showed that I had high cholesterol at just age 28. To lower it and test out if a vegan diet can really live up to its many health claims, I went vegan for three weeks. Here's what happened.

I've never touched a cigarette. So why was I diagnosed with 'death sentence' lung cancer

A Kentucky woman was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer, despite never smoking and being physically active. Leah Phillips was just 43 years old in September 2019 when she came down with a dry, nagging cough. Two weeks later, doctors dismissed it as a 'post-viral cough' from a generic virus. A few days taking corticosteroids eased the cough, though it returned several weeks later, along with shortness of breath. A distance runner, Ms Phillips now had trouble keeping up with her jogging group and suffered a 'heaviness' in her chest. She was eventually diagnosed with stage four non-small cell lung cancer and given six months to live.

SEVERAL times a year I get a strange bonfire smell in my nostrils. I've read this could be a sign of something really sinister. Is this true?

Prior research has suggested a link between endometriosis and ovarian cancer, but new findings found particularly severe endometriosis can significantly raise the risk of the disease.


In the second helping of our must-read series, top dietitian NICHOLA LUDLAM-RAINE tells you how to cut back on ultra-processed food as you do the weekly shop - without missing out on treats.

Two men, in their 60s and 80s, have already died after the fungus - called R. fluvialis - invaded their blood. The disease was detected for the first time in Nanjing, eastern China.


Ready meals, instant noodles, frozen chips, oven-ready pizzas - we all know we shouldn't be so reliant on convenience foods. But who has the time to cook every meal from scratch?


With details about former President Trump's would-be assassin now emerging, officials are learning that Thomas Matthew Crooks' violent behavior could have been driven by depression .
