Electronic Programming Guide

An Electronic Programming Guide - or EPG - is a user interface generally installed on satellite or cable TV receivers that enable a user to browse through channels and attain basic information about programs. Depending on the system (or provider), an EPG can be customized by a user. This may include changing channel numbers, indexing channels into different categories, creating favorites categories and changing visual effects too.

EPGs generally provide information about upcoming programming if it is available on the channel and is supported on the system. It may also offer more advanced features such as the ability to flag programs for recording, regardless of what channel you are watching, or pausing / rewinding live television.

The EPG interface is an important thing to take into account when purchasing a satellite or cable TV receiver. Some systems are more or less locked. An example of this is Sky Digital. With a Sky Digibox, the EPG is very user friendly but it cannot be changed to any large degree.

Sky dictates the channel numbers and what channels fit in what category. Even channels that are tuned in which are not included in the Sky packages are put in the "Other Channels" section where a user cannot browse forward through listings or even move to the next channel in "Other Channels" easily with the remote control.



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