AACS Final Adopter Agreement

The AACS Final Adopter Agreement is now online, and includes 188 pages of documents, exhibits, tables and attachments.

AACS is the current content protection system used on all Blu-ray discs, and the system has been running on an interim license agreement for years now.

Somewhat surprisingly, the license still includes the Mandatory Managed Copy despite continued rumors that would be dropped. Of course, the managed copy is subject to the terms of each studio individually and some, especially Fox, are not very privy to it.

The license details new restrictions on analog video outputs. "Use of the Image Constraint Token (limiting image resolution to 540p over analog) will have to be reported on the packaging and/or publicity materials. The Digital Only Token (prohibiting all image output over analog) will be very limited in use, mainly for non-consumer products and discs released less than six weeks after theatrical release of the title."

All new players sold after December 31, 2010 "must limit analog video output of BD content to interlaced standard definition (480i/576i). Then, 2013 is the expiration date for analog video: no player that passes "Decrypted AACS Content" to analog video outputs may be manufactured or sold after December 31, 2013," says Blu-ray.com.

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