Split Oblivion meshes

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This tutorial will cover how to cut up a piece of armor so that it ends up with the armor on just one arm.

(Click on images for larger view)


This is an updated version of this tutorial: Split Oblivion Meshes @ NifTools Wiki


  1. Blender 2.49b
  2. Full human male and female topless import-ready body 1.0
  3. Blender NIF Scripts 2.5.0
  4. PyFFI 2.0.5
  5. Python 2.6.4
  6. NifSkope 1.0.21
  7. The Construction Set 1.2.404
  8. Extracted meshes from Oblivion - Meshes.BSA (BSA extraction tutorial)
  9. A desired body type. For this article, it will be the vanilla male body.

NOTE: Most of the programs (and specific version numbers) mentioned above are packaged together on the referenced Blender page.

Import The Mesh

Find the armor you wish to use. For this tutorial, it will be the Daedric Male Cuirass. (See Pic #1)

Image reference #1


Start Blender and clear the scene of all objects.

Import the armor into Blender by clicking File --> Import --> NetImmerse/Gamebro (.nif, .kf, .egm). (See Pic #2)

Image reference #2


Select the skeleton that was imported with the mesh and delete it.

Delete the parts of the model that are not wanted. (See Pic #3)

You may have to enter into Edit Mode on some objects and select sections individually to delete them if parts you wish keep and remove are in a single object.

Image reference #3


Import the male body (FullHumanBodyImportReadyMale.nif) using the same settings as before (See Pic #2) and delete the skeleton after it is imported. (See Pic #4)

Image Reference #4


Body modifications

Delete the parts of the body that are not needed. (See Pic #5)

In this example, we delete the head, hands, hips, legs and feet. Most of the arm also does not need to exist (causing clipping issues) so the hidden parts of the arm are deleted too.

It will be easier if you move the armor to Layer 2 and make Layer 1 the only visible layer to you can see the entire arm you are editing. When needed, you can temporarily turn on Layer 2 to see how the armor fits over the arm.

To move an object to layer 2, select the object, click M, 2, OK. To toggle layer 2 on and off, click SHIFT+2. To see only layer 2, press 2. (Blender shortcut tips)

Image Reference #5


Prep for export

Save and exit Blender. This will flush the old Scene Roots from memory and avoid importing the next skeleton as Scene Root.00 which will cause the NIF to not work.

Start Blender, load the model, select all objects and import a new skeleton. (See Pic #6) Make sure the skeleton comes in named as "Scene Root"

Image Reference #6


Select each object one at a time and add an Armature modifier if one does not already exist.

Link the object to the skeleton by typing "Scene Root" (without the quotes) in the "Ob" field. (See Pic #7)

Repeat for all objects.

Image Reference #7


Select all objects and export to NIF format. (See Pic #8)

Press A, A to make sure everything is selected and click File --> Export --> NetImmerse/Gamebro (.nif, .kf, .egm)

Image Reference #8


NifSkope Cleanup

Open the NIF using NifSkope.

Expand and examine the Tree View and see if everything seems to be positioned correctly. (See Pic #9)

  • The root NiNode should have the value of "Scene Root"
  • The NiTriStrips (or NiTriShapes) should be under the "Scene Root"
  • There should be a bunch of NiNodes starting with the value of "Bip01" under the NiTriStrips which refer to the bones of the skeleton.
  • Each of the NiTriStrips should have a NiMaterialProperty and a NiTexturingProperty.
  • Each NiTexturingProperty should have a NiSourceTexture under it which points that part of the mesh to a DDS Texture file.

Image Reference #9


Make sure the texture paths are pointing to the correct location for each object. (See Pic #9, Section 2)

  • Cuirass --> Textures\Armor\Glass\cuirass.dds
  • Upperbody --> Textures\Characters\default\_male\body.dds

Make sure the material name of the skin is called "skin" which is a special requirement (which is re-colored based on race of character). (See Pic #9, Section 3.1)

Adjust the material settings to the standard colors: (See Pic #9, Section 3.2)

  • Ambient Color: White (#ffffff)
  • Diffuse Color: White (#ffffff)
  • Specular Color: Black (#000000)
  • Emissive Color: Black (#000000)

Clean the NIF by running through the Optimize and Sanitize Spells:

Spells --> Optimize --> Remove Bogus Nodes
Spells --> Sanitize --> Adjust Link Arrays
Spells --> Sanitize --> Adjust Texture Sources
Spells --> Sanitize --> Reorder Blocks
Spells --> Sanitize --> Check Links
File --> Save As - Overwrite existing NIF file.

Copy the NIF file to your project folder such as <<Install Folder>>\Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Armor\MyMod\arm.nif

Add Mesh To Oblivion

Open the Construction Set, create a plugin and add the armor (such as making a copy of the existing Daedric Cuirass and giving it a different name and point the mesh to your arm.nif file)

You can use this tutorial for making the armor piece for sale at a vendor shop: How to add objects for sale


LHammonds Oblivion Mods Site
