Valheim Wiki

Should Points of interest really be here in the Biomes page? I think it's better if the structures get explained and linked from their respective Biome page.

Agree with Moving POI's to a heading under each Biome specifically.

No need to have more crap on Biomes page.

With the new proposed article header layout, POIs would be listed under their respective biomes. I've yet to fully implement the new header layout and will be working on it over the upcoming week. /MrCakeSlayer

By that you mean Structures in the infobox in the respective Biome page? Or the Points of Interest (POI) page (could use some updating too)? Or the Biomes header tab? /Beliriel

Well the original plan was to just have it under a normal header (i.e. Description, Resources, POI, Creatures) on the respective biome's page. However, upon investigating a bit more it seems the info box already contains a section for Points of Interest. I think that is fine to keep that and we can just update the Points of Interest (POI) page/category as needed. Regardless, I don't see the need of them having their own section on the biome page. /MrCakeslayer

As for adding it to the header tab, we are currently working on re-writing all of the menus to include as much as we can while trying to organize it a bit more. We are working against some limitations in regards to how many items we can have per sub-menu however. /MrCakeslayer
