Game Rules FAQ

You may have some questions after reading the game rules, or after being banned for rule violations. In this article, we try to answer the most common questions that might arise and share tips on how to ensure that you don’t violate the game rules by accident.


Can another person who uses the same device play on the same gameworld as me?

Yes, they can. However, there are important things to know when using the same device. 

There are limits for resource sending and raiding, they are automatically applied, so you don't need to worry about that. 

When sharing the same device, don't set the password that is known to another player. It's important that you don't reveal your password to anyone, not even to your own family. It's best to use a unique password, that's not used anywhere else and is not known to other players. When sharing a device with other players on the same gameworld, don't use passwords such as family names, pet names or important dates, because they may be known to your family or friends, they could also set the same password by accident. You must not use another player's password to login to their avatar or Lobby account. You must not save your passwords to the browser because that would give easy access to another player using the same device. We treat this the same as revealing the password. 

You must logout from your avatar and Lobby account when another player takes over the device. 

If you want to help another player when they are offline, you can use a sitter feature to log in to their avatar. 

Can another person who uses the same WIFI/network play on the same gameworld as me?

Yes, they can. However, there are important things to know when using the same IP. 

Just like same device usage, there are limits for resource sending and raiding, they are automatically applied, so you don't need to worry about that. 

It's important that you don't reveal your password to others who play on the same gameworld, and you must not use a password that they may know. Don't use passwords such as family names, pet names, or important dates, because they may be known to your family or friends, they could also set the same password by accident. 

If you want to help another player when they are offline, you can use a sitter feature to log in to their avatar. 

I was banned for password sharing, but I only asked for a password from another person and never used it / revealed my password to another person who never used it.

You can be banned for sharing your password with another player or asking another player to share their password. Game rules prohibit password sharing, if you tell it to another player, you have already violated the game rules. If you ask another player to give you their password, you are encouraging them to violate the game rules and this is considered as a rule violation itself. 

Why am I banned for multi-accounting when my friend owns the avatar and just shared their password with me?

We all need help from our friends occasionally, but the only way to do this is through using the sitter function.  Each individual is only allowed to own and play on one avatar per gameworld.  Should you attempt to play on more by using their passwords, or seek the help of your friends this way, then there is a possibility that you will be banned for multi-accounting.  This is the case even if your friend can no longer play and gives you their password and asks you to play for them. 

Registering an avatar for a friend may also result in a multi-accounting ban as you would then technically own more than one avatar.  If they want to play the game then they must register it themselves from their own Lobby account.


Lobby, account and avatar


However, should you receive a multi-account ban and you believe that it is actually password sharing, then you should contact Customer Services to explain the problem.  They will ask for the ban of your avatar to be reviewed and will inform you as soon as possible about the result.

I want to play as a dual/invite a dual to my avatar.

For avatars on the new Lobby system:

You have to invite duals on your avatar through the Lobby system. Once the dual has an invitation, they can accept it on their own Lobby account.

Do not share your Lobby account password with anyone!


For old avatars connected to the Lobby system:

You can invite new duals on your avatar through the Lobby system. Once the dual has an invitation, they can accept it on their own Lobby account.

Duals can also access your avatar using the avatar password. If your duals don’t have their own Lobby account yet, you can share your avatar password with them. However, it is safer if you add them as duals through the Lobby.

Do not share your Lobby account password with anyone!


For avatars not connected to the Lobby system:

Sadly, for avatars not connected to the Lobby system, there is no way to add duals – you must share your avatar password with them.

Consider connecting your avatar to the Lobby system so that you could add duals without sharing your password.


Lobby, account and avatar

Sitters and Duals

I am playing as a dual and I would like to play on another avatar instead. I am not the owner of the avatar.

For avatars that you access from your own Lobby account:

Just cancel yourself from being a dual on the avatar you want to leave, and accept an invitation to be a dual on another avatar.


For avatars that you access with avatar password:

You can play on another avatar, however, you must not login to the old avatar anymore.

Tell the owner of the avatar that you are leaving – they should change the password to remove your access. 

Change the avatar that you are playing only if you are sure you won't decide to go back to the previous avatar. If you are going from one avatar to another back and forth, this will be treated as password sharing by the Rule Enforcement Team. 

I am playing with a dual and I would like to play on another avatar instead. I am the owner of the avatar.

Unfortunately, for avatars created on the new Lobby system currently it is not possible to change the owner of the avatar. Therefore, if you would like to play on another avatar, you will need to delete the old one first.


For avatars created before the new Lobby system:

If another player is staying on this avatar, then the email must be changed to the new owner's email. The new owner must change the password. 

After the email is changed into the new owner's email, the old avatar will disappear from your lobby account and you can go play on another avatar.

I want to play on another avatar/register a new avatar instead.

For avatars on the new Lobby system:

If you want to join another avatar as dual, you must delete your old avatar, and once the deletion is finished, join another one as a dual.


If you are not satisfied with your spawning position and want to start again:

A new feature is going to be implemented to abandon avatar and respawn.


Abandon avatar and respawn

Temporary solution before the abandon avatar function is implemented

If you want to change your spawning position, set your old avatar on deletion, and never login to it again. Then, register a new Lobby account and create a new avatar.

If you can't delete the old avatar because of recently bought gold – once the delay ends, you should login only once to the old avatar to set the deletion. Before logging into the new avatar for the first time, inform Customer Service that you are going to create another Lobby account and avatar and that you will need to login once again to the old one to set it on deletion. Do not login to the old avatar multiple times!

Do not play from multiple avatars on the same gameworld.

After the abandon avatar function is implemented:

If you want to change your spawning position, use the abandon avatar function.

Do not create new Lobby accounts!


For avatars not connected to the Lobby system:

If no one is staying on your avatar, then you must set the avatar on deletion. You should not access the old avatar after accessing the new avatar. 

If you can't delete the old avatar because of recently bought gold – once the delay ends, you should login only once to the old avatar to set the deletion. Before logging into the new avatar for the first time, inform Customer Service that you are moving to another avatar and that you will need to login once again to the old one to set it on deletion. Do not login to the old avatar multiple times!

Can you set my avatar on deletion?

No, we cannot delete your avatar, however, you can delete your avatar yourself in the options (Options -> Avatar -> Delete avatar).

Can I use some specific addon in my browser?

As long as that addon doesn't interact with the game, doesn't do any actions within the game, doesn't add any additional functions, doesn't automate anything, and doesn't change the game in any way, then you can use it. 

Can I use a specific browser?

We currently support and advise using the following conventional browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Edge, and Safari.
We do not limit the usage or punish for the use of other browsers. But you take your own risk by selecting any other browser as it may be automating certain actions in the game.
 In any case, the browser should always be unmodified.

I was banned for receiving resources from a bot or multiaccount network, but I didn't buy any resources and wasn't aware that they are bots or multiaccounts.

You have received resources from multiple avatars that were either created by one person or bought by someone. This is a rule violation because rules don't allow bot use, multiaccounts, or buying resources. It means that you have gained an advantage in the game from rule violation. Even if you didn't buy those resources yourself or didn't create those multiaccounts, you still gained an advantage from them. Therefore, you will receive punishment for gaining advantage from the rule violation. 

I was banned for selling/buying avatar, but it was only a message, and no actual selling took place.

We treat messages and ingame descriptions of selling and buying as actual selling and buying because such messages are part of the process of selling or buying. We advise you to not try to joke or mislead enemies with such messages. It can be very difficult for Rule Enforcement to know if you meant this lightly or seriously. You can be banned for sending such messages.

What behavior can be banned because of rule 1.1.b.?

We implemented this game rule to combat the private farms outside of alliances and confederacies which are not subjected to our pushing limitations. Private farms and their raiders can be banned for violating this rule.

We also ban players that are creating villages with the purpose of being conquered by someone outside their own confederacy, and the players who conquer those villages.

What is a private farm?

A private farm is a player who exists to let another player, or an alliance raid it for resources. This behavior gives the same benefit as a multiaccount, therefore both the private farm and the raider can be severely punished or deleted. Avatars in the same confederacy as their raider are not private farms.

Can I raid players/conquer villages from the players in my alliance or confederacy?

Yes, you can raid players from your own confederacy, as automatic pushing protection is limiting the number of resources that can be taken, so raiding within the confederacy cannot be abused.

You can also conquer villages from the players in your own confederacy, it is considered as playing for the benefit of your confederacy. However, they will need to allow their villages to be conquered in the residence settings.

I am no longer in the same alliance or confederacy with players I was raiding. Can I still raid them?

If a player left your alliance, or confederacy was cancelled, then pushing limitations are no longer applied. If a player outside of alliance and confederacy allows you to raid them, then it is a violation and such player is considered as a private farm. This applies even if the player left the alliance only temporarily.

I am farming inactive players. Can I get banned for that?

Inactive players are not private farms. They don't exist for a specific player or alliance benefit. Anyone can raid inactive avatars. Therefore, raiding them does not violate game rules and you will not be punished for that.

What if I am farming someone/conquering villages from someone who just doesn't play well? How can you tell them apart from private farms?

We have our methods to differentiate between private farms or players intentionally building villages for others and possibly new players who didn't learn yet how to protect their resources. So you should not worry - we won't punish you just for playing the game properly.

I have no alliance. Does that mean that this rule (§1.1.b.) does not apply to me?

This rule applies even to the players without an alliance. If you have no alliance, you still cannot be a private farm for someone yourself and you also cannot have private farms.

Why am I banned for farming other player’s private farms?

If the private farm is raided by more than one player of the same confederacy, we don’t try to detect which particular player it belongs to. Private farms can belong either to specific players or to alliances, or confederacies. In such a case, you can get banned because you are gaining an advantage from the private farm that belongs to your confederacy.

My sitter/dual violated the game rules on my avatar, why am I getting punished?

You are responsible for all the actions on your avatar. The avatar on which the rule violation happened is being punished. In addition to that, if the violation was done by the sitter, the sitter’s avatar also can be punished.

Make sure to only add trusted people as your duals and sitters.

Why has my friend got a different penalty to me?

The penalties offered can vary depending upon the rule that was broken and its severity, with repeated violations being punished more severely.  If you have concerns that the penalty that you have accepted, or have been offered, is wrong please contact Customer Services who will ask for it to be checked.

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