Street Fighter Wiki

"I didn't quite explain myself before. Let me just say that I utterly despise Bison... but there is another man more suitable to lead this world. That's why I want to destroy Shadaloo. Is that satisfactory?"
—Kolin, in her 'Helen' persona.
"Ehehe... it's so nice to meet you. (うふ... こんなところでお会いするなんて。 Ufu... kon'na tokorode o ai suru nante.?)"
—Kolin (Street Fighter V)

Kolin (コーリン Kōrin?, Russian: Колин), also known by the alias Helen (ヘレン Heren?, Russian: Хелен, Khelen), is a video game character from the Street Fighter series, first appearing in Street Fighter III: New Generation as a non-playable character before making her playable debut in the second season of Street Fighter V. She initially takes on a benevolent persona and acted as if she cared for other people, when in reality she is a conniving and devoted agent of the Secret Society, primarily serving as Gill's personal assistant.



Kolin has long blonde hair and blue eyes. In her first appearance in Street Fighter III, she is distinguished by her asymmetrical updo hairstyle. Kolin wears a finely-tailored black ladies' suit with matching skirt, and walks in high heels. This outfit returns as her 'Nostalgia' labeled costume in Street Fighter V. In Gill's character story, she was seen wearing dark pink eyeglasses.

In Street Fighter V, she wears her hair loose in a longer style, under a black ushanka hat with a four-pointed star decoration at the center. This complements her black Afghanka-style military jacket, which ends in a miniskirt. Thigh high black stockings and fur boots replace the stiletto heels of her secretary outfit.

Her premium Battle costume consists of a dark grey wetsuit showing her bare-muscular legs, over which she wears a grey thermal short vest and various accessories including a gun strapped in a holster across her right thigh. Her hair is tied in a ponytail and she wears black tactical goggles with red lenses pushed up on her head; lastly, she wears a short knife holster around her left ankle.

Her Story costume is a grey military-style jacket with black accents that ends in a miniskirt with yellow trim. She retains her ushanka hat, but further accessorizes the look with a pair of mittens and a yellow scarf that covers her mouth. Her usually bare legs are covered by black tights.


In Street Fighter III, Kolin appears primarily in the role of dutiful assistant to Gill. When she interacts with other characters, she is a bit standoffish.

In Street Fighter V, she is depicted as a conniving schemer who seems to alternate between two personalities: a false, kind one, with which she acts as a supportive figure to Charlie Nash and a helper to her other allies, such as Rashid, and her true self: zealous, ruthless, cruel, and vindictive, seen when she snaps and throws Nash's unavoidable return to the grave in his face upon Nash expressing doubt in his ability to take down Bison. Despite loathing her adversaries, she was open to admitting that Bison was a thorn in her organization's side as much as he was a problem to Nash and Ryu, however she used Nash for her own personal gain regardless. If Kolin is involved in a fight, she lets her true personality show by belittling her opponents and usually identifying them as inferior to her.

Despite her manipulative personality, Kolin is deeply religious and devoted to Gill and the teachings of the Secret Society. She carries a copy of the Book of Miraha, the Secret Society's holy book, and reads from it for strength when she is disheartened. She despises soldiers and seeks to end all war.


Kinu Nishimura was in charge of designing Kolin in Street Fighter III.[5][6] During the development of her playable appearance in Street Fighter V, Kolin was initially an expressionless, merciless cyborg who fought with rope and knives.[7] At one point when she was almost finalized, the development team considered giving Hopak as her fighting style.[7]

Character Relationships[]

Haughty to those that do not impress her, Kolin shows a conceited and detached personality in general and scoffs off those that are not worthy of note for the Secret Society, a result of indoctrination of the organization, and very rarely displays sincere concern and care outside a façade.


Kolin is deeply loyal to Gill, entirely convinced that he is the prophesied messiah. At the end of A Shadow Falls, she is shocked and honored that despite her failure to satisfy the ancient prophecy with her Nash project, Gill still wishes for her to serve at his side.


Kolin and Urien appear to have an antagonistic relationship, though she refers to him deferentially as "Lord Urien". Urien is disdainful of Kolin's project with Nash, referring to him as her "mud doll". It is also revealed, as per her win quotes, she is not above betraying Urien, should the opportunity arise.


During Street Fighter V, Helen and Juri seem to have a somewhat professional relationship since they had a common enemy to take down, M. Bison as well as Shadaloo.


Kolin believed Nash to be a figure in the prophecies of the Book of Miraha, the warrior destined to defeat M. Bison. She resurrected him for this purpose, and was dismayed when he rejected her mission. She was mortified to discover the prophecy had been about Ryu instead.


Because Guile reminded her of soldiers that wrought havoc in her homeland, Kolin does not have a favorable view about Guile due to his occupation, and the same would be true for Charlie Nash, except that the latter was under her and Secret Society's command.



Kolin was once a member in the army of her unnamed home country which was destroyed in a war. Being the only survivor of her unit, Kolin wanders into the tundra and collapses by a dead flower in the snow. Gill appears to her and asks for her name; she says she has none. He asks about her country and she says it is gone. He offers to build a new Country of God where she can live, if she desires it. A butterfly begins to hatch from a chrysalis on the dead flower.

Street Fighter V[]


Kolin as 'Helen'.

When Street Fighter V was first released in February 2016, Kolin (as 'Helen') appeared in Charlie Nash's Character Story and the A Shadow Falls story. She did not become a playable character until February 2017, when she joined the fray under her real name as a DLC fighter.[8]

Character Story[]

Prologue - 'Frozen Blade'

Kolin is sitting reading the Book of Miraha outside Nash's tomb, waiting for him to wake up while remembering her past.

Guile wanders by searching for Nash. Kolin tells him to be quiet, saying her "little brother" is sleeping nearby. Guile says that the person he is searching for was like a brother to him, and Kolin says family and friends are useless because they will only die and leave you to mourn them. Guile tries to walk past her into the tomb, and she attacks him. Guile is astonished, and asks if she was once in the military.

Kolin defeats Guile and disappears. Byron Taylor appears and tries to convince Guile to move on because Nash is dead. Kolin, who is hiding, calls them disgusting dogs. She blames men like Taylor and Guile for waging war like the one that destroyed her homeland, and thinks once more about her past and the time she met Gill. Back in the present, Kolin says Nash now has a purpose higher than that of any soldier, and he should feel privileged. She goes into the tomb to prepare for his awakening.

Other character story appearances:

  • In Charlie's character story, she was responsible for reviving the corpse of Charlie Nash. Although, this scene was seen at the beginning of A Shadow Falls as explained below.
  • In Rashid's character story, she talks to him on social media under the username "honeysunnygilly" and uses an image of an ice crystal. She informs him of a man dressed in Shadoloo clothing fighting nearby.
  • In Urien's character story, Urien allows her to use Eleven's body to resurrect the corpse of Charlie Nash.
  • In Gill's character story, Kolin made preparations for Gill's battle against G, which was shown live on the video stream. As Urien angrily watched the battle, he forces her to bring Gill to him, leading both brothers to battle for superiority, ending with Gill's victory.

A Shadow Falls[]

Kolin revives the corpse of Charlie Nash using the Eleven body from Urien's laboratory. She plans to use Nash to stop Shadaloo's plans, taking advantage of his desire for revenge on Bison. While Nash is still weak from his resurrection, Kolin -- using the alias 'Helen' -- tasks him with the unpleasant assignment of taking down his best friend, Guile.

After Nash secures Guile's piece, Helen reveals she has also recruited Rashid and Juri as part of her operation to take down Shadaloo. Urien arrives and attacks Nash to test his mettle, but is prevented from killing him by Rashid. He tells Helen to prove that Shadaloo is truly defeated. Before they infiltrate Shadaloo to stop the Black Moons, Helen uses some sort of power to charge the green gem on Nash's forehead and keep him alive.

After an unsuccessful attempt at halting the Black Moons, Helen gives Rashid the riddle from his friend whose answer will stop Operation C.H.A.I.N.S. -- and, excited, asks Nash if he has killed Bison yet. Nash answers that he has not, and Helen is enraged, complaining that she worked so hard to revive him and rubbing in his face the fact that his new body is decaying rapidly and he is truly dead. Nash surprises her by revealing he knew this already, and leaves to perform the mission his own way. Helen is last seen comforting herself by reading a prophecy about Gill from the Book of Miraha while watching the destruction of the surrounding city. Urien castigates her for her failure.

In the mid-credits sequence after the story ends, Helen kneels before Gill and tells him of the fall of Shadaloo and Bison's defeat at the hands of Ryu. She apologizes for failing him with her Nash project. Gill rises from his throne and asks her to come with him, addressing her as Kolin; in a flash of ice, she transforms into her familiar design from Street Fighter III. Kolin gazes upon Gill's face with worshipful loyalty as the credits resume.

Street Fighter III series[]

Kolin acts as a personal assistant to Gill, managing aspects of the Fourth World Warrior Tournament.

Most notably, at Gill's behest she gives Dudley his father's car keys back in his New Generation and 2nd Impact endings.

Street Fighter 6[]

Kolin, under her "Helen" alias, is mentioned by Juri in the game's World Tour mode.



Kolin appears in UDON's Super Street Fighter comic book series, an adaptation of Street Fighter III. The UDON comics were the first source to portray her as a combatant.

She also appears in the 2015 prequel one-shot Street Fighter V: The Life and Death(s) of Charlie Nash, in which she curiously performs the same plot function she does as Helen in Street Fighter V. Here, instead of operating as Helen, she appears to Nash and the reader unambiguously as Kolin, without a disguise.

Kolin and Urien seemingly discover Nash in the desert, approaching him via helicopter, but later reveal they resurrected him in their laboratory to serve the Secret Society. The desert and helicopter are illusions, and Kolin and Urien are actually speaking to a comatose Nash telepathically, using the Secret Society's technology. Kolin offers Nash a second chance at life if he will serve her willingly, and Nash agrees.

Street Fighter vs. Darkstalkers[]

In Street Fighter VS. Darkstalkers, it is revealed that Kolin had learned of her power over ice from the soul of a Werewolf (though this statement is most likely not canon).

Live-action series[]

Street Fighter: Resurrection[]

Kolin appears in the live-action miniseries Street Fighter: Resurrection, credited as 'Illuminati Agent'. She is portrayed by Amy Olivia Bell.


Fighting style and abilities[]

Kolin fights using the Russian martial art Systema. Like Gill (who gifted her with this power), she is a cryokinetic, able to manipulate ice and snow for various attack effects. She's the second playable character in the series to use ice in her moveset (after Gill), but the first one who fully uses said element.

Before her playable debut, Kolin was implied to be a fighter by Juri in Act 2 of A Shadow Falls, where she displays impressive dexterity and sleight of hand in pick-pocketing two chess pieces from Rashid without his notice.

Kolin displays a number of other supernatural powers over the course of A Shadow Falls: she vanishes into thin air when Nash looks away in Act 1, and she recharges his body in Act 2 by projecting a blue energy into the gemstone in his forehead. She implies she has the power to "touch souls", but cannot do this with Nash as he is dead.


Kolin utilizes her cryokinetic powers to turn her hands into icy blades for slashing attacks. Her first V-Trigger is a wave of ice on the ground that prevents the opponent's stun gauge from depleting, and can freeze them solid if the gauge fills. Her second V-Trigger enhances her punches and Hailstorm. It also turns her dash into a skate, and gives her a special version of Vanity Step. Her first V-Skill allows her to deflect and automatically punish incoming moves with ease, while her second V-Skill, gives her a command grab that puts her opponent in an icy state. Her Critical Art has her dash forward with a slice of her hand and if the attack connects, she’ll continue summoning large icicles from the ground, throwing the opponent into the air and shattering the ice to drop them to the ground.









  • There are a number of potential sources for Kolin's name. "Colleen" (how it's pronounced in English) is a common Irish name also used as a general term for a girl or woman, from the Irish cailín (caile, countrywoman). If the name was originally intended to be Korin with an R (due to Japanese L/R ambiguity), then КОРИН (Korin) is a Russian surname, and the Japanese word kōri (こおり?) means "ice".
    • Her name is almost identical to that of Kolín, a Czech city.
  • "Helen", the name Kolin uses to gather warriors in the story mode of Street Fighter V, is perhaps a reference to the mythical Helen of Troy, whose face launched a thousand ships to war. It is an English variation of the Ancient Greek name Helenē (Ἑλένη). "Elena" is a variant of the same name.
  • Kolin's asymmetrical haircut in Street Fighter III, like Gill's two-toned skin, was designed to showcase the graphical power of the new CPS-3 board, which allowed non-mirrored sprites for the first time.
  • Kolin was meant to be on the launch roster for Street Fighter V, but with the tight roster options she was later relegated to a DLC character,[citation needed] eventually getting her playable debut in the second season.
  • Though Kolin's homeland is currently unrevealed, she is of Eastern European descent and there is evidence to suggest her Russian or at least Soviet heritage; she wears Russian garb, operates in Russia, uses the Russian martial art Systema, and speaks English with a Russian accent. The flag that she and her comrades are seen carrying in her Character Story is an allusion to the flag of the Soviet Union, only slightly modified, and their uniforms resemble the Soviet (now Russian) Afghanka.
    • As it stands right now, Kolin, Ingrid and Falke are the only playable female characters in the series whose nationalities are officially listed as unknown.
  • Her current appearance somewhat shares similarities with Kalinka from the Mega Man series.
  • Kolin has been compared to Elsa from Disney's 2013 film Frozen because they are both blonde-haired female characters with similar ice and snow powers. Her Christmas DLC costume has her wearing a winter outfit similar to Elsa's younger sister, Anna, but the color scheme of her outfit (blue) makes her resemble Elsa. In addition, in Dan's summary for the holiday outfit, he says, "Hey, since she controls snow and ice, do you think this is a cosplay of...? ...Nah, I should just let it go," referencing "Let It Go", Elsa's iconic theme song from the movie.
  • Possibly like Remy, Kolin has some similarities to the character Cygnus Hyoga from Saint Seiya (Knights of the Zodiac): they both use ice-based attacks, with some sharing the same names. In the anime, Hyoga can sometimes reach the Absolute Zero, which is also the name of Kolin's V-Trigger.
    • The appearance of Kolin bears some resemblance to Hyoga's mother Natassia and the four-pointed star in her ushanka resembles the northern cross, an important asterism that can be seen in the northern hemisphere that corresponds to Hyoga's constellation. Both also share the same zodiacal sign Aquarius.
  • Her crossover costume is Ada Wong's main outfit from Resident Evil 6 (an installment in Capcom's Resident Evil horror franchise), her long hair is styled in a short bob.
  • Kolin and Ed are two former NPCs from the previous Street Fighter games (Street Fighter III and Street Fighter IV respectively) who become playable characters in Street Fighter V.

Stage Themes[]

See also[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Street Fighter V Character Encyclopedia: Helen
  2. The Phantasm of Snow and Ice, Kolin, Joins Street Fighter V!
  3. 3.0 3.1 Street Fighter V Stat Card
  4. Street Fighter V Character Encyclopedia: Kolin
  5. Street Fighter III's secretary Kolin was designed by Kinu Nishimura! (ストリートファイターⅢの秘書コーリンさんは西村キヌさんのデザインです!) from Nakayama's Twitter
  6. She has appeared in Street Fighter III as Gill's secretary, and the character design is Kinu Nishimura (ギルの秘書としてストリートファイターIIIで登場しており、キャラクターデザインは西村キヌ) from Street Fighter japanese account.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Street Fighter V Early Development Ideas: Kolin
Street Fighter series Playable Characters
Main Series
SF Logo Ken · Ryu
Street-fighter-ii-logo The World Warrior Blanka · Chun-Li · Dhalsim · E. Honda · Guile · Zangief
Champion Edition Balrog · M. Bison · Sagat · Vega
Super Cammy · Dee Jay · Fei Long · T. Hawk
Super Turbo Akuma
Ultra Violent Ken
SFAlogo Alpha Adon · Birdie · Charlie Nash · Dan · Guy · Rose · Sodom
Alpha 2 Evil Ryu · Gen · Rolento · Sakura · Shin Akuma
Alpha 3 Cody · Juli · Juni · Karin · R. Mika
Alpha 3 Upper Eagle · Maki
Alpha 3 MAX Ingrid
Street fighter iii logo New Generation Alex · Dudley · Elena · Ibuki
Necro · Oro · Sean · Yang · Yun
2nd Impact Gill · Hugo · Urien
3rd Strike Makoto · Q · Remy · Twelve
Street fighter iv logo IV Abel · C. Viper · El Fuerte · Gouken · Rufus · Seth
Super Hakan · Juri
Arcade Edition Oni
Ultra Decapre · Poison
SFV-Logo-R-3 V F.A.N.G · Laura · Necalli · Rashid
Season 2 Abigail · Ed · Kolin · Menat · Zeku
Season 3 Falke · G
Season 4 Kage · Lucia
Season 5 Akira · Eleven · Luke
Street fighter 6 logo 6 Jamie · JP · Kimberly · Lily · Manon · Marisa
Year 1 A.K.I.
Year 2 Mai (Guest) · Terry (Guest)
Street Fighter The Movie Logo Arkane · Blade · F7 · Khyber · Sawada
Street-fighter-ii--the-animated-movie Cyborg
Sfexlogo EX Allen · Blair · C. Jack · Darun · D. Dark
Hokuto · Kairi · Pullum · Skullomania
EX Plus Bloody Hokuto · Cycloid-β · Cycloid-γ · Garuda
EX2 Hayate · Nanase · Shadowgeist · Sharon
EX2 Plus Area · V. Rosso
EX3 Ace · Bison II
Marvel vs. Capcom Logo MSHvSF Cyber-Akuma · Dark Sakura · Mech-Zangief · Shadow
MvC Shadow Lady
SFO Shin
Street Fighter V Characters
Original Birdie · Cammy · Chun-Li · Dhalsim · F.A.N.G · Karin · Ken · Laura
M. Bison · Nash · Necalli · R. Mika · Rashid · Ryu · Vega · Zangief
Season 1 Alex · Balrog · Guile · Ibuki · Juri · Urien
Season 2 Abigail · Akuma · Ed · Kolin · Menat · Zeku
Season 3 Blanka · Cody · Falke · G · Sagat · Sakura
Season 4 E. Honda · Gill · Kage · Lucia · Poison · Seth
Season 5 Akira · Dan · Eleven · Luke · Oro · Rose
CPU Only AS · Aprile · Decapre · Enero · Février · Juli · März · Peter
Phantom Bison · Santamu · Satsuki · Shadow · Shadow Lady · Two P