Special K - "Kaldaien's Mod" Special☆K
Special K - "Kaldaien's Mod" Special☆K
May 23, 2016
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Kaldaien May 11, 2017 @ 10:44pm
Agnostic Dragon - Render Fixes - (v 0.1.1 - Long long ago)
    in a galaxy far far away...

Problem Description
Capcom's Idea of Aspect Ratio Correction:
Aspect Ratio Agnostic:

Pre-Release (0.2.0)

See the following post for a more detailed discussion on the features in testing.

Download (0.1.1)

Summary of Changes in 0.1.1[]
  • Adds background rendering mode, where Alt+Tabbing does not pause the game
    • Disabled by default (for compatibility reasons), press Ctrl + Alt + Shift + B to toggle this

  • Adds left Alt and Ctrl key blocking
    • These keys alias to Insert and Delete in this game, and makes pressing them cycle UI pages...
    • The option to disable it is now offered (see AgDrag.Keyboard in AgDrag.ini for more details).

  • The command console (Ctrl + Shift + Tab if RTSS is installed) now blocks the game's keyboard input while active.

Summary of Changes in 0.1.0[]
  • Adds nametag aspect ratio correction
    • Press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+M to toggle
    • Press Ctrl+Shift+ [] to adjust horizontal position

  • Adds nametag "Always on Top"
    • Press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+N to cycle modes

      Mode 0
      Nametags behind things will disappear
      Mode 1
      Nametags are simply drawn overtop everything
      Mode 2
      Nametags are dimmed and outlined when they are behind something

  • Adds nametag "Temporary on Top"
    • Press and hold N
    • This forces visibility mode 1 while held

Summary of Changes in 0.0.9[]
  • Fixed UI scaling on Status screen
  • Fixed UI scaling on Pawn recruitment screen
  • Fixed flickering weight indicator on inventory screen
  • Significantly smarter nametag / quest icon rendering detection
  • Mouse coordinates in menus are aspect ratio correct now
    • Horizontally at least, vertical correction may not work in all cases

Summary of Changes in 0.0.8[]
  • Fixed aspect ratio on save dialogs
  • Fixed many fullscreen effects such as menu transitions that were not filling the screen
  • Miscellaneous ENB compatibility updates

Summary of Changes in 0.0.7[]
  • ENB Compatibility (proxy DLL)
  • Mini-map rotation fixes

Old 0.0.6 Version for test purposes

Unzip into your DDDA install directory and run the game

Delete d3d9.dll and AgDrag.dll

You can turn features on/off while the fix is running and they will be saved in the configuration:

Keyboard Shortcuts
Toggle UI Aspect Ratio Correction
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + A
Toggle UI Horizontal Centering
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Z
Toggle Nametag Correction
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + M

Cycle Minimap Vertical Locations
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + V
Cycle Nametag Visibility Modes
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + N
Temporary Nametatg Visibility
Press and HOLD N

These key-bindings are deliberately difficult, consider macroing a mouse or gamepad button to them (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+A in particular) until they are no longer necessary.

Known Issues
  • Main map needs work
    • When interacting with it, you should turn aspect ratio correction off.

  • Depth of Field must be disabled for this mod
    • The in-game option only partially disables it, and it will continue to appear in cutscenes

    • Edit %LocalAppData%\CAPCOM\DRAGONS DOGMA DARK ARISEN/config.ini
      • Set Stereo=TRUE and this will completely disable DoF (in cutscenes too)
      • Thanks to Josh for pointing this out.

  • All menus are fixed vertically, but some are still stretched horizontally.

Horizontal Centering is automatically calculated for standard ultra-wide resolutions, but if you are using an uncommon resolution you may need to adjust the center of the screen by pressing Ctrl + Shift + < and Ctrl + Shift + >.

If you find this is the case, please leave a message in this thread with the resolution you are running.

Misc. Odds and Ends
When the map menu is fixed, this will be turned into a guide. There are a lot of configuration options in the core injector for things like Steam achievement sounds and such.

Video guides courtesy of tonycubed2

In lieu of a text guide for this project, the basic OSD functionality is explained here (requires RivaTuner Statistics Server):

Use those OSD keyboard shortcuts to enable/disable various parts of the OSD.

I never ask for money in exchange for any of my projects, but I put a lot of time and effort into making them and supporting end-users. If you would like to give something back, the GitHub ReadMe discusses this:

Donations permit me to purchase books, new tools and to dedicate more of my time to making these projects as high quality as I possibly can.
< >
Showing 1-15 of 60 comments
Kaldaien May 11, 2017 @ 10:45pm 
Reserved for Future Use
yerawomanharry Jun 4, 2017 @ 4:54pm 
Hi, Kaldaien!

Thanks so much for your input on getting the Reshade d3d9.dll file to work with the Ag UI fix. Unfortunately I didn't have much luck renaing the dll to ReShade32.dll and adding the .ini settings per your suggestion, I did try renaming the file to ReShade64.dll because I think Dragon's Dogma is 64-bit, and adding the following to the d3d9.ini:


But sadly no luck there either :(
Kaldaien Jun 4, 2017 @ 6:03pm 
Don't do that, Dragon's Dogma is 32-bit
yerawomanharry Jun 4, 2017 @ 6:32pm 
Omg! It worked! Thank you so much!! I have no idea what I did wrong the first time when I tried renaming the file to ReShade32.dll, but I went back and followed those steps you provided the first time, and now both are working perfectly! Thank you again for your hard work! :)
Archi Jun 10, 2017 @ 1:10pm 
Any quick way to make this work with the Good Old Games version? I tried to do it strait up and it crashed. Thank you
Kaldaien Jun 10, 2017 @ 1:33pm 
No idea. Maybe you could try setting Silent=true under Steam.Log in d3d9.ini.

This assumes that there's no other major differences between the two games. If there are, then this mod may never work with the GoG version :-\ I haven't intentionally done that, I just can't own every version ever released for testing ;)
Last edited by Kaldaien; Jun 10, 2017 @ 1:34pm
😎Macula😎 Jun 10, 2017 @ 1:48pm 
Hmm, if I remember correctly I think Aemony owns now GOG version of this game.

I remember he said it back on that thread talking about DRM.
Archi Jun 10, 2017 @ 2:21pm 
Didnt work, theres a few steam refrences in the d3d9 so its likely too sure its looking for steam and crashing. Thanks anyways may refund and rebuy on steam when its on sale. Its 30 $ here and 12 $ on GOG so guess ill wait for sale.
Last edited by Archi; Jun 10, 2017 @ 2:23pm
Kaldaien Jun 10, 2017 @ 2:23pm 
Originally posted by Arrow:
Didnt work, theres a few steam refrences in the d3d9 so its likely too sure its looking for steam and crashing. Thanks anyways may refund and rebuy on steam when its on sale
Can you provide a few logs by chance?

This mod is ancient by my standards, so I think the only log it generates will be logs/d3d9.log
Archi Jun 10, 2017 @ 2:24pm 
Sorry for wall of text ,

06/10/2017 17:19:27.023: d3d9.log created
06/10/2017 17:19:27.035: >> (DDDA.exe) [d3d9.dll] <<

06/10/2017 17:19:27.035: Loading user preferences from d3d9.ini... done!
06/10/2017 17:19:27.035: System Directory: C:\Windows\SysWOW64
06/10/2017 17:19:27.035: Loading default d3d9.dll: (C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll)
06/10/2017 17:19:27.035: * Loading Early Custom Import AgDrag.dll... success!
06/10/2017 17:19:27.286: * Loading Early Custom Import steam_api.dll... failed: 0x0000 (The specified module could not be found.)!

06/10/2017 17:19:27.286: Initializing NvAPI: Success

06/10/2017 17:19:27.288: >> NVIDIA Driver Version: 381.65
06/10/2017 17:19:27.288: * Number of Installed NVIDIA GPUs: 1 (0 are in SLI mode)

06/10/2017 17:19:27.288: NvOptimusEnablement..................: 0x01 (Max Perf.)
06/10/2017 17:19:27.288: AmdPowerXpressRequestHighPerformance.: UNDEFINED

06/10/2017 17:19:27.288: Importing Direct3DCreate9{Ex}...
06/10/2017 17:19:27.288: ================================
06/10/2017 17:19:27.288: Direct3DCreate9: 69BB0A62h
06/10/2017 17:19:27.288: Direct3DCreate9Ex: 69B5CCD5h
06/10/2017 17:19:27.288: @ Loading Debug Symbols: done!
06/10/2017 17:19:27.406: === Initialization Finished! ===

06/10/2017 17:19:27.406: [WMI] Spawning CPU Monitor... tid=0x4524
06/10/2017 17:19:27.497: [WMI] Spawning Disk Monitor... tid=0x3088
06/10/2017 17:19:27.587: [WMI] Spawning Pagefile Monitor... tid=0x3b3c
06/10/2017 17:19:27.677: [WMI] Spawning Process Monitor... tid=0x3150

06/10/2017 17:19:28.705: [WMI]: Failed to Add Enumerator (io_monitor.cpp:314) - 80041010
06/10/2017 17:19:29.492: [!] Direct3DCreate9 (32) - [Calling Thread: 0x1f3c]
06/10/2017 17:19:29.509: [!] IDirect3D9::CreateDevice (03E707E0h, 0, 1, 00011832h, 0x0046, 0018D0F0h, 14442988h) - [Calling Thread: 0x1f3c]
06/10/2017 17:19:29.509: Calling original function: (ret=S_OK)

06/10/2017 17:19:32.206: [!] IDirect3DDevice9::Reset (0E76F820h, 0018D810h) - [Calling Thread: 0x1f3c]
06/10/2017 17:19:32.206: Calling original function: (ret=S_OK)

06/10/2017 17:19:38.897: [WMI]: Failed to AddObjectByPath (memory_monitor.cpp:104) -- 0x80041010
Last edited by Archi; Jun 10, 2017 @ 2:26pm
Kaldaien Jun 10, 2017 @ 2:27pm 
Oh, I see. There is an alternate release version I put out a while back that might work for you:

I stupidly took the 0.2.0 codebase (which has problems) and modernized that. I should have done the work using 0.1.1.

Nevertheless, let me know if this version works for you? The install procedure is the same.
Archi Jun 10, 2017 @ 2:33pm 
Oh great it does work. just need to figure out how to remove the debug text on top. l
😎Macula😎 Jun 10, 2017 @ 2:35pm 
Is that OSD you talking about? Try CTRL+Shift+O
Archi Jun 10, 2017 @ 2:38pm 
Yep that works too. i ended up finding the OSD file in my documents and did it manualy. Thanks everyone , Especialy Kaldaien!
stickydude Jun 23, 2017 @ 1:48am 
It worked perfectly! I was heartbroken when started the game again on my Ultrawide monitor and you saved it. Thank you!
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Date Posted: May 11, 2017 @ 10:44pm
Posts: 60