Cherrypick Games

Cherrypick Games

Gry komputerowe

Warszawa, Woj. Mazowieckie 1279 obserwujących


Cherrypick Games headquartered in Warsaw, Poland was founded by a team of industry veterans, all with deep experience creating and marketing games for all major gaming platforms. “The only way to make great games is to start by loving what you do!” Our team’s passion for games combined with our years of successful hands-on experience allows us to have a balanced approach to designing and marketing games. Our mission is to create top quality mobile products with smooth and approachable gameplay design complimented by superb visuals and sound. We just have launched our new mobile game titled My Hospital which hit the list of TOP 10 free Games on the App Store worldwide! If you want to become a part of a start-up team excited about the adventures ahead - give us a shout.

Gry komputerowe
Wielkość firmy
11–50 pracowników
Siedziba główna
Warszawa, Woj. Mazowieckie
Spółka akcyjna
Data założenia
Mobile Games, Mobile Application, Marketing i Brand Management


Pracownicy Cherrypick Games


  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Cherrypick Games; grafika

    1279 obserwujących

    This is how you create a game, this is how you create a story! And what's most important, we don’t forget to have fun together ☺️ Meet part of our team: Sitting on the chairs are Mykyta Rachynskyi and Mateusz Panoszewski, our programmers. Next to Nikita is Mateusz Małachowski, our PM. Then there's Martin Kwaśnica, our CEO, and Ewa, our game artist. And here, as you can see, we are working on a game that we hope you will love to play! Say hi! ❤️👋

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Cherrypick Games; grafika

    1279 obserwujących

    If I were you, I would join. 😁👇

    Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Cherrypick Games; grafika

    1279 obserwujących

    There are three questions for you: Do you like survival games? Do you like roguelites? Do you like story-rich adventures? ✅If you answered YES to at least one of them, you'll love our new game! ❌And if you answered NO, well... you'll still love it! Because it's more than just survival, more than a roguelite, and more than an adventure!😁 Visit our Discord to stay updated!

    Join the Cherrypick Games Discord Server!

    Join the Cherrypick Games Discord Server!

  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Cherrypick Games; grafika

    1279 obserwujących

    There are three questions for you: Do you like survival games? Do you like roguelites? Do you like story-rich adventures? ✅If you answered YES to at least one of them, you'll love our new game! ❌And if you answered NO, well... you'll still love it! Because it's more than just survival, more than a roguelite, and more than an adventure!😁 Visit our Discord to stay updated!

    Join the Cherrypick Games Discord Server!

    Join the Cherrypick Games Discord Server!

  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Cherrypick Games; grafika

    1279 obserwujących

    We are sure that you are excited about our new game as much as we are and want to know more details about it 😉 So here they are! Our CEO, Martin Kwaśnica, sharing his experience and details about the next project! ❓ You've been in the gaming industry for more than 18 years! What has inspired you to stay here for so long? - I simply love this industry. The gaming industry is a dynamic and ever-evolving field filled with creativity, innovation, and passion and I want to be part of that. The excitement of seeing ideas come to life, and the satisfaction of knowing that our games bring joy to people's lives have all kept me motivated. Also, I have not done anything else in my life - so I never thought about changing the industry for good. :) ❓ Have you always considered starting your own company? - Yes, that was my ultimate goal since I was young. Back then, not necessarily games, but I always wanted to start a company and build something. ❓Is there a big secret to being a good manager for your team? Could you share any tips? - If I knew that secret, I would be a much better manager ;) However, if I needed to name just one thing, I would say 'communication.' I still strive to improve in this aspect every day. Moreover, it becomes easier when you are determined to build something together with other people. ❓The new game will be an interesting mix of roguelite and survival genres. Why did you decide to combine these two? - Combining roguelite and survival genres offers a unique and engaging gameplay experience. We aim to create a more approachable experience for while enhancing the simplified survival aspect with roguelite player progression. I believe this combination aligns well and feels satisfying. I hope we will deliver on our promises, and players will thoroughly enjoy our new game. ❓ It sounds like a completely new project. Why did you decide to shift focus from the mobile game market towards PC and Console games? - We have always wanted to get back to our roots someday, and we just felt that this was the right moment. By saying this, I do not mean that we are leaving the mobile market. Mobile is still part of our strategy, but we are enhancing it with PC and Console. It is more about what kind of games we plan to do and which platform best suits this game. Now, we want to focus on the game market as a whole, not limiting ourselves to any platform or market. Extending the strategy comes with many challenges and risks but this is how business is. We needed to make a decision and we did.

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Cherrypick Games; grafika

    1279 obserwujących

    The new #meetourteam post is here! Our Lead Game Designer, Jakub Łukasiewicz, is sharing the rules he follows to make good games 💪 and some details about the new project!😎 ❓What got you into game design? - For sure it sounds like a cliche, but I’ve been playing games since I was a kid and wanted to make them in the future. But I believe it was a dream of many game developers to create games together with a team of professionals, like the ones who made the games we’ve been playing and loving for years. Fortunately, a course on game design opened at one of the Universities and it was the beginning of my journey. ❓How do you balance innovation and making games easy to understand? - It is good to be innovative, but there are some specific ideas for designing game mechanics and players’ user experience that might be good to choose even for new games, as they are proven and commonly known by players, and thus used by developers for years. Of course, it’s not about just copying these ideas, because they would not work on their own. It’s okay to inspire, but with adjusting these inspirations for your project’s environment, so that everything “clicks” together. A good summary of this approach is the saying “innovative, but familiar”. ❓What big changes do you see in game design now? - There are many trends in games that periodically gain popularity, but many of them just as quickly lose it. One of the reasons is that it’s very hard to gain players’ interest and trust. Even if you manage to, it’s still hard to keep it. It’s generally tough for people to accept changes, we stick to what we know best. In my personal opinion, the sense of progress is one of the most important aspects of games that has been evolving in recent years, that’s why the most interesting mechanics for me are currently the roguelite ones, that can be encountered in more and more games. ❓Do you have rules you follow when making games? - I believe we shouldn’t follow strict rules on what to design if we want to stay creative and deliver something unique to the players. As I said in my previous thought, there are some mechanics or proven UX solutions that might be a good inspiration, but for the general design itself, it’s better to keep an open mind. For me, a more important area to have rules in is the processes we follow when creating games so that the whole team works effectively. ❓How will the new game stay relevant in the changing industry? - The combination of the still popular survival genre with gaining popularity in recent years roguelite meta progression mechanics is very promising. Papillon will offer an innovative perspective for survival games, providing a quite different experience with each playthrough, yet still being a very approachable game for the players. Blending these two popular genres and adapting them to our vision is a challenge, as they’ve never been seen together before, but the results will deliver a very unique adventure.

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