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1. a guide.
2. an act of guiding.
anticipatory guidance in the nursing interventions classification, a nursing intervention defined as the preparation of a patient for an anticipated development and/or situational crisis.
health system guidance in the nursing interventions classification, a nursing intervention defined as facilitating a patient's location and use of appropriate health services.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. The act of guiding.
2. A guide.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


1. The act of guiding.
2. A guide.
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012

Patient discussion about guidance

Q. Does any one have any advice on how to get pregnant? It seems like my husband and I have tried everything to become pregnant for the last three years.

A. i think its time for a fertility dr.they can get just about any body pregnant.

Q. I want to know if somebody could give me some expert advice on what to eat for my meals. hello ……I'm trying to lose body fat but at the same time build some muscle within 4 months period. My hope is that when I've shredded all the fat off, I'll have something nice to show to everyone on my birthday. I'm 5'8 and I weigh 210 already. I dropped 3 pounds but I want to know if somebody could give me some expert advice on what to eat for my meals.

A. A good general program of dieting to lose 2lbs a week while lifting weights. Go with a high protein, low carbohydrate type diet. Workout 6 days a week alternating upper body one day lower body the next, take one day off. That’s it as simple as eating and as difficult as working hard. Cheers! and invite me for your birthday.

Q. I need some advice. Hi I am ----. Now I’m 36. Last night, I was terminated from my job. I feel that I lost every thing and I have been thinking of suicide. I was depressed and so I drink a lot. Really I love my wife and 2 year kid very much. I like to get out of these stupid thoughts. But sometimes I am not. I need some advice.

A. HI RITCHIE,this is just a part of life,People loose there jobs all the time,right now you have to be strong,and put the bottle down,your family needs to know that this little set back is not going to turn into something else,they need you to be strong ,you are the head of your home,your kids depend on you,and love you, if you go down your family will follow--your children may be young but believe me they have an idear what is going on,If you think this is to much for you go to the emergency room in your town or country---STAY STRONG--get it together man....mrfoot56

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References in classic literature ?
This I say, because I observe that in the previous discussion none of us remarked that right and good action is possible to man under other guidance than that of knowledge
He painted studies from nature under the guidance of an Italian professor of painting, and studied medieval Italian life.
Dinah was too entirely reliant on the Supreme guidance to attempt to achieve any end by a deceptive concealment.
Could Anne have foreseen such a junction, she would have staid at home; but, from some feelings of interest and curiosity, she fancied now that it was too late to retract, and the whole six set forward together in the direction chosen by the Miss Musgroves, who evidently considered the walk as under their guidance.
But he clearly gained time; he waited, he called for guidance. "Haven't I?" It wasn't for ME to help him--it was for the thing I had met!
Elinor could not help smiling at this display of indifference towards the manners of a person, to whom she had often had difficulty in persuading Marianne to behave with tolerable politeness; and resolved within herself, that if her sister persisted in going, she would go likewise, as she did not think it proper that Marianne should be left to the sole guidance of her own judgment, or that Mrs.

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