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1. Engineering any device that directs the motion of a tool or machine part
2. Spiritualism a spirit believed to influence a medium so as to direct what he utters and convey messages through him


a member of an organization for girls equivalent to the Scouts
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(religion, spiritualism, and occult)

The majority of Spiritualist mediums have a guide. Many have more than one. The guide is a spirit who can serve as a “Master of Ceremonies” at a séance, introducing spirits who wish to communicate through the medium, regulating which spirits are allowed to come through and what form of communication is being used (clairvoyance, direct voice, etc.), and whether or not such physical phenomena as apports might be apparent, and so on. Some mediums have specific guides for specific purposes. For example, if they do healing they may have an exclusive guide who makes him-or herself known only for that purpose. This is often the spirit of someone who was a doctor or healer of some sort when on the earth plane.

“Control” is a term sometimes used to designate the guide. Descriptively, “Guide” is the better term. Nandor Fodor said, “The body of the medium is an instrument which requires considerable practice in efficient handling. The control is a communications expert who watches over the fluency of the proceedings … The easygoing, conversational aspect of the séances is largely due to his presence … They are patient and ready to produce the phenomena to the sitters’ satisfaction. But they do not take orders. [They] expect courteous treatment and appreciation for what they do and have their own caprices.” They are not all-knowing. Many times a guide will admit to ignorance of a subject, or the answer to a question, and will say that he will ask another who knows.

Not all guides are male, though the majority seem to be. It is not known why this is. Guides often have helpers for certain tasks, for example to prepare for the presentation of physical phenomena. These helpers can also assist in the explanation of incoherent messages.


Fodor, Nandor: Encyclopedia of Psychic Science. London: Arthurs Press, 1933
The Spirit Book © 2006 Visible Ink Press®. All rights reserved.


leader of wolfpack. [Br. Lit.: The Jungle Books]
Anchises Aeneas’
guide in Elysium. [Rom. Lit.: Aeneid]
Anubis “Pathfinder”;
conducted dead to judgment before Osiris. [Egyptian Myth.: Jobes, 105]
series of guidebooks for travelers. [Travel: NCE, 207]
Beatrice Dante’s
beloved’s soul; directs him in Paradise. [Ital. Lit.: Divine Comedy, Magill I, 211–213]
Cumaean sibyl
famous prophetess; leads Aeneas through underworld. [Rom. Lit.: Aeneid]
transported blessed souls to islands of dead. [Gk. and Rom. Myth.: Appleton, 31]
Jack the Porpoise
led ships through treacherous strait off New Zealand. [Br. Hist.: Wallechinsky, 128]
Judas goat
a goat used to lead sheep to slaughter. [Eur. Culture: Misc.]
lighthouse at Pharos
400 ft. tall; beacon visible 300 miles at sea. [World Hist.: Wallechinsky, 257]
pilot of Aeneas. [Rom. Lit.: Aeneid]
pillar of cloud, pillar of fire
Jehovah leads way to promised land. [O.T.: Exodus 13:21–22]
star of Bethlehem
guiding light to Jesus for the Magi. [Christian Symbolism: N.T.: Matthew, 2:9]
pilot of the Argonauts. [Rom. Myth.: Brewer Dictionary, 1085]
Dante’s guide in Hell and Purgatory. [Ital. Lit.: Divine Comedy, Magill I 211–213]
Allusions—Cultural, Literary, Biblical, and Historical: A Thematic Dictionary. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


Graphical User Interface Development Environment from Sun.


A hypertext system from the University of Kent (GB) and OWL for displaying on-line documentation.
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References in periodicals archive ?
Guidant Global provide global workforce management solutions that help companies find the best permanent and contingent talent.
Guidant considered variables like schools, crime rate, talent pool and cost of living.
Guidant Financial helps entrepreneurs research, develop and deploy intelligent capital solutions so they are better prepared to succeed in small business ownership.
(9) An additional allusion to La Liberte guidant le peuple enriches the critical discussion by introducing an important political component.
On this occasion, the technician identified the problem as an interaction between the impedance respiratory rate function of the Datex Cardiocap 5 monitor (Datex, Helsinki, Finland) and the impedance respiratory function of the Guidant pacemaker, used as a surrogate for exercise.
Lawsuits have asserted that Guidant knew certain defibrillators were defective and fixed the problem in later versions--but continued to sell the older models still on shelves.
The European Commission approved on 11 April, subject to certain conditions, the acquisition of Guidant Corporation by Boston Scientific and Abbott.
While Guidant Corp., the troubled maker of implantable cardioverter defibrillators, struggles to repair its reputation and salvage its acquisition by Johnson & Johnson, physicians are finding it increasingly difficult to convince patients of the benefits of ICDs.
The players in this drama, which has unfolded over the past several months, are Indianapolis-based cardiovascular device maker Guidant Corp.
Guidant and Pfizer are private companies, out to make profits.When Pfizer launched the sex drug Viagra, it was the biggest single commercial launch in history.
The products, made by US firm Guidant, have not been used in this country for four years.
The FDA is notifying health care providers and patients that the Guidant Corporation, Indianapolis, IN, is recalling certain of its implantable defibrillators and cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrillators.

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