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1. To lead in a set course.
2. Any device or instrument by which another is led into its proper course, for example, a grooved director, a catheter guide.
[M.E., fr. O.Fr. guier, to show the way, fr. Germanic]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


Vox populi
1. A written document which orients a novice about the particular use of a thing.
2. A device used to ensure the proper movement or placement of a device, which is not, per se, integral to the device's operation.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


1. To lead in a set course.
2. Any device or instrument by which another is led into its proper course, e.g., a grooved director, a catheter guide.
[M.E., fr. O.Fr. guier, to show the way, fr. Germanic]
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012


1. To lead in a set course.
2. Any device or instrument by which another is led into its proper course, e.g., a grooved director, a catheter guide.
[M.E., fr. O.Fr. guier, to show the way, fr. Germanic]
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012

Patient discussion about guide

Q. I need food guide for underweight. This is Liam. I had three kids and all are underweight? I don’t know how to make them healthy. I need food guide for underweight. They refuse to have healthy food. How can I get him to eat more and eat healthy, without having to force them?

A. Liam, do not give them too much of juice as it often contain more sugar and less vitamins than fresh or frozen fruits. After a period, give them healthy drink (like milk) instead of juice. If your child is more active than the food they had, then the child will surely be termed as an underweight. So make sure to give, more energizing foods like carbohydrates for an over active kid.

Q. i am all confused !!! there are so many kinds of diets and guides for loosing pounds , what should i choose

A. the best but hard one- going to a nutritionist with another friend that want to loose weight, build up a program, start doing physical activity . it will be hard, long, but worth it.
don't forget the friend, it's an important part!

Q. where should i go if i am looking for a guiding to help my wife during this time?

A. wow,,,there are tons of places that give information about pregnancy...there are courses, pamphlets, classes, websites, clinics, organizations, books, videos... you just have to be a bit specific...

(and good for you supporting your wife like that!!)

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References in periodicals archive ?
"I'm pleased to welcome Guidant Financial to Boise," said Mayor Dave Bieter in a statement.
Spatial elements further link Delacroix's Liberte guidant le peuple and Balzac's tableau of the murder scene.
(which acquired Guidant) notified doctors and patients that it was recalling seven types of pacemakers and defibrillators from hospitals and sales inventory because a defective electrical component may cause malfunctions.
As a result, Boston Scientific will take over Guidant, as announced in January.
In May, the Food and Drug Administration began investigating reports that Guidant failed to notify physicians for several years that one of its devices had short-circuited in some patients.
Guidant is facing lawsuits relating to recent recalls of its defibrillators and pacemakers.
Companies like Guidant and Pfizer have to allocate huge budgets to fight legal actions.
The FDA is not making a recommendation on whether individual patients who have one of the Guidant devices should have it removed or replaced and urges patients to consult with their individual physician.
J&J announced in December that it would buy medical device maker Guidant Corp., a move Payne says could pay off, "[Guidant's] implantable defibrillators have high growth potential around the globe." he says.
Cordis Corporation (Miami, FL), a Johnson & Johnson (New Brunswick, NJ) company, announced it has entered into a strategic alliance with Guidant Corporation for the co-promotion of drug-eluting stents and the advancement of new technology in coronary stent delivery systems.
TOKYO - Guidant Netherlands BV (GNBV) has failed to declare about 4.4 billion yen in income in the four years to 1998 in Japan and has been ordered to pay 1.9 billion yen in unpaid taxes and punitive surcharges, industry sources said Friday.

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