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to cause a patient's condition to deteriorate.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Baich said that in 2014, there was also an attempt to add an aggravator to Arizona's capital punishment, which then-Gov.
(77) A state statute mandated the death penalty for aggravated murder (here, participation in a felony was one of the aggravators) (78) unless the defendant could show insanity, duress, provocation, or victim consent.
(6) In negating, the judge does not argue that the mitigator is actually an aggravator, but instead uses negative evidence about the defendant to deny or "lighten" the mitigator.
In Illinois, the Supreme Court held that each aggravator narrowed, and rhetorically asked: "(e)ven assuming the death penalty statute could have 'too many' aggravating factors rendering a first degree murder defendant eligible for the death penalty, how many aggravating factors are too many?" (14) The question has never been answered by any court.
It is simply wrong to assume that there must be trauma of an identical or worse nature in order for subsequent MST to meet the threshold for a qualified secondary service-connection aggravator. Instead, for example,
(53) Regardless of the jurisdiction or particular statutory construction, the Supreme Court has mandated that at least one statutory aggravator must be found prior to imposing the death penalty.
Coleman is 63-24-5 for the Aces all-time; former IceCats aggravator Tyson Nash is in his fourth season as a TV analyst for the Coyotes.
(36-38) A slouched posture while sitting has long been discussed as a cause or aggravator for back pain.
Even if we were to entertain MacKenzie's (2010) assertions about Hoover's success, this leaves those who cite the high-wage doctrine as a major aggravator of the Depression in an awkward position.