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A disease caused by ingestion of aflatoxin.
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Poisoning caused by the consumption of substances or foods contaminated with aflatoxin.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


Disease caused by ingestion of aflatoxin, a toxin due to Aspergillus.
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Human aflatoxicosis in developing countries: a review of toxicology, exposure, potential health consequences, and interventions.
Nterenya Sanginga thus embarked on what looked like a revolution to conquer aflatoxicosis. After series of meetings and correspondence, IITA thus decided to partner with the United States Development Agency (USDA) to domesticate the technology.
Groundnut consumers in the local government state are therefore at high risk of exposures to aflatoxicosis and liver cancer and other forms of disabilities due to consumption of the contaminated nuts.
Effect of dietary macronutrients on aflatoxicosis: A mini review, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture.
Nutritional therapy with antioxidant agents can therefore be a significant tool in aflatoxicosis. In this situation, the intake of antioxidant agents as feed additives is considered as indicators of good eating practice and a healthy way of life (George et al., 2004).
Changes In the Prothrombin, Haematology and Serum Proteins during Experimental Aflatoxicosis in Hens and Broiler Chickens.
Aflatoxicosis characterized by fatty and necrotic livers has been recorded in our study.
Aggarwal, Human aflatoxicosis in developing countries: a review of toxicology, exposure, potential health consequences, and interventions, Am.
Aflatoxins, which favor very hot climate like in the Philippines, have been associated with various diseases, such as aflatoxicosis in livestock, domestic animals and humans throughout the world, and are produced by a mold that grows in corn, peanuts cassava and copra due to inefficient post-production practices.