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League of Legends Wiki

Champion Select[]

Original Original
Battle Boss Battle Boss
A skin's voice-over set may feature: a filtered variation for some or all of the base skin's quotes; additional or replaced quotes. A skin's sound effect set may feature: unique events; replacements of the base skin's SFX for some or all events. Skin variants (e.g. Prestige) inherit all audio from their regular version, but can feature unique quotes or SFX.





Ziggs brandishes an armed bomb before swallowing it and belching shortly after.



Basic Attacking[]


Ability Casting[]

Using Bouncing Bomb Bouncing Bomb[]

Using Satchel Charge Satchel Charge[]

Detonating on Self

Using Hexplosive Minefield Hexplosive Minefield[]

Using Mega Inferno Bomb Mega Inferno Bomb[]

Other Gameplay[]

Ziggs has special voicelines that trigger on unique animations for his character and do not require the player's input.
These voicelines will cut off if the animations they're tied to are interrupted in any way.
During Movement
Idling (Juggle)
Ziggs juggles three bombs on two hands.
Idling (Bomb Inspection)
Ziggs curiously inspects his right-hand bomb, shakes it while listening closely, and finally smacks it on his helmet. He gets dizzy, causing his head to shake.
Idling (Two-Hand Spin)
Ziggs spins both of his held bombs on each hand like sports balls.

Recall Recall[]


The bomb on Ziggs' back sets off, sending him into the air like a rocket before spiraling and blowing up.

Co-op vs. AI Responses[]

Match Start
  • "Gotta go yeah go now start yeah boom!"
Player Team Victory
  • "No no no no, I got my fuses crossed."
Player Team Defeat
  • "GG!"


Ziggs, the Hexplosives Expert Ziggs, the Hexplosives Expert
  • Ziggs is the only champion to perform emotes and play quotes for them, without being issued a command (he also laughs randomly and frequently to match his running animation).
  • One of Ziggs' jokes ▶️  "You wanna see how to disarm a bomb?" is referencing an iconic scene from the 1994 film The Mask.
  • In the Spanish localization, ▶️  "I'm going, I'm going" is replaced with "Me encanta el olor de los explosivos por la mañana" ("I love the smell of explosives in the morning"), which in turn quotes Apocalypse Now ("I love the smell of napalm in the morning").

