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League of Legends Wiki


Xerath OriginalSkin
Original Xerath View in 3D
880 RP 880 / 05-Oct-2011
Xerath RunebornSkin
Runeborn Xerath View in 3D
750 RP 750 / 05-Oct-2011
Xerath BattlecastSkin
Battlecast Xerath View in 3D
520 RP 520 / 05-Oct-2011
Xerath ScorchedEarthSkin
Scorched Earth Xerath View in 3D
1350 RP 1350 / 13-Jul-2012
Xerath GuardianoftheSandsSkin
Guardian of the Sands Xerath View in 3D
1350 RP 1350 / 26-Apr-2015
Xerath DarkStarSkin
Dark Star Xerath View in 3D
1350 RP 1350 / 26-Mar-2020
Xerath ArcanaSkin
Arcana Xerath View in 3D
1350 RP 1350 / 13-May-2021
Xerath AstronautSkin
Astronaut Xerath View in 3D
1350 RP 1350 / 24-Feb-2023
Arcana Xerath Chromas
Astronaut Xerath Chromas
Dark Star Xerath Chromas

Rare & Limited

Xerath CrystalisIndomitusSkin
Crystalis Indomitus Xerath View in 3D
Special RP Special / 12-Jun-2024
Crystalis Indomitus Xerath Chromas



Champions hit by Arcanopulse (Q) at greater than 75% of max range
Arcane Aim
Champions killed with Rite of the Arcane (R)
Eye of the Storm
Champions hit by the center of Eye of Destruction (W)

Arcane Arsenal
Champions hit with both Eye of Destruction (W) and Shocking Orb (E) within 2s
Dance For Me
Subsequent hits on the same champion with Rite of the Arcane (R)
Power Point
Mana Surge (P) triggers on champions


Original Xerath Original Xerath
  • He resembles an Archon from Starcraft.
  • Due to the community's popular demand, both Battlecast Xerath Battlecast Xerath and Runeborn Xerath Runeborn Xerath were reworked. They both received new particle effects and colors due to them being too similar to the Classic skin before the rework. Battlecast Xerath Battlecast Xerath has red particles and Runeborn Xerath Runeborn Xerath has green particles.
  • If Mordekaiser's Mordekaiser's ultimate, Children of the Grave Children of the Grave, is on Xerath when he dies, the neon coloration of the skin will still be on the ghost. Classic skin will be blue, Battlecast will be red, Runeborn will be green, and Scorched Earth will have a lava texture, this is entirely unique for Xerath as all other champions lose all color and become grey and transparent while they are ghosts.
    • The reason for this is because his body is a visual effect and not an actual model.
Battlecast Xerath Battlecast Xerath
  • In Xerath's champion spotlight, he was called "Lockdown Xerath" and Runeborn Xerath Runeborn Xerath was called "Runeforge Xerath".
  • The particles for this skin are colored red, they were colored blue before the rework.
    • Additionally, his splash art was also updated to match the new particles.
  • He was the first Battlecast skin ever made, though Battlecast Alpha Skarner Battlecast Alpha Skarner was the first Battlecast machine made in-universe.
Runeborn Xerath Runeborn Xerath
  • The particles for this skin are colored green, they were colored blue before the rework.
    • Additionally, his splash art was also updated to match the new particles.
Scorched Earth Xerath Scorched Earth Xerath
  • It might be a reference to the military doctrine of Scorched Earth, in which anything deemed useful to the enemy is destroyed.
  • His appearance and armor bears a similarity to Pyroviles, a volcanic alien species featuring in the fourth series of Doctor Who - "The Fires of Pompeii" episode. The Skin's splash art features a volcano in the background that shares a resemblance to Vesuvius.
Guardian of the Sands Xerath Guardian of the Sands Xerath
Dark Star Xerath Dark Star Xerath
Chromaskins Chromas: Antimatter, Emerald, Pearl, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sapphire
Arcana Xerath Arcana Xerath
Chromaskins Chromas: Amethyst, Citrine, Emerald, Obsidian, Pearl, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sapphire
  • This is his first skin where he has a human-like appearance.
Astronaut Xerath Astronaut Xerath
Chromaskins Chromas: Amethyst, Catseye, Obsidian, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sandstone, Sapphire, Turquoise
Crystalis Indomitus Xerath Crystalis Indomitus Xerath
Chromaskins Chromas: Fractured

