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League of Legends Wiki

Proposal to add NEW "Previous champion reworks" section above existing "Upcoming champion reworks" section. -- 03:54, July 17, 2013 (UTC)Should the former abilities of those champions be added to the page? Like Karma's Increased AP per missing % of HP?

Does anyone have the information for these champions? -- MadLockFreak (talk) 03:50, September 1, 2013 (UTC)

Completed champion reworks[]

New preload for champions?[]

Hi, I was concepting a champ, when I noticed that champion preload is a bit outdated. Is there a new preload in works? Can an average non-admin user upload a preload? (Upload, not confirm and stuff) -- Hamengeri (talk) 13:56, October 6, 2013 (UTC)

