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League of Legends Wiki

Champion Select[]

Original Original
Tyrant Tyrant
Dragon Master Dragon Master
A skin's voice-over set may feature: a filtered variation for some or all of the base skin's quotes; additional or replaced quotes. A skin's sound effect set may feature: unique events; replacements of the base skin's SFX for some or all events. Skin variants (e.g. Prestige) inherit all audio from their regular version, but can feature unique quotes or SFX.

Game Start[]

Music upon start of the game


First Move[]

First Move with an Ally Bilgewater Crest icon Bilgewater Champion
First Move with Enemy LeBlanc LeBlanc


15 seconds cooldown
Moving alongside Multiple Allies - Ally Team is Ahead
30 seconds cooldown
Moving alongside Multiple Allies - Ally Team is Behind
30 seconds cooldown
Moving alongside Multiple Allies - Teams are Even
30 seconds cooldown

First Encounter[]

First Encounter with Ahri Ahri
First Encounter with Bard Bard
First Encounter with Cassiopeia Cassiopeia
First Encounter with Darius Darius
First Encounter with Draven Draven
First Encounter with Irelia Irelia
First Encounter with Jax Jax
First Encounter with Katarina Katarina
First Encounter with Kindred Kindred
First Encounter with LeBlanc LeBlanc
First Encounter with Poppy Poppy
First Encounter with Rakan Rakan
First Encounter with Riven Riven
First Encounter with Shen Shen
First Encounter with Singed Singed
First Encounter with Sion Sion
First Encounter with Urgot Urgot
First Encounter with a Solid Rose Clasic Faction Colors Black Rose Member
First Encounter with a Demacia Crest icon Demacian
First Encounter with a Demon
First Encounter with a Noxus Crest icon Noxian


Taunt Response
Taunt Response to Darius Darius
Taunt Response to Sion Sion or Urgot Urgot


Joke Response



Basic Attacking[]

30% chance


15 seconds cooldown

Ability Casting[]

Using Ravenous Flock Ravenous Flock[]

Collecting a Soul Fragment[]

75% chance, 1000 units

Collecting a Soul Fragment from a Nearby Slain Enemy[]

Collecting a Soul Fragment from Ashe Ashe
Collecting a Soul Fragment from Aurelion Sol Aurelion Sol
Collecting a Soul Fragment from Camille Camille
Collecting a Soul Fragment from Cassiopeia Cassiopeia
Collecting a Soul Fragment from Darius Darius
Collecting a Soul Fragment from Ekko Ekko
Collecting a Soul Fragment from Elise Elise
Collecting a Soul Fragment from Fiora Fiora
Collecting a Soul Fragment from Galio Galio
Collecting a Soul Fragment from Garen Garen
Collecting a Soul Fragment from Jarvan IV Jarvan IV
Collecting a Soul Fragment from Jinx Jinx
Collecting a Soul Fragment from Kalista Kalista
Collecting a Soul Fragment from Kassadin Kassadin
Collecting a Soul Fragment from Katarina Katarina
Collecting a Soul Fragment from Kayn Kayn
Collecting a Soul Fragment from Lux Lux
Collecting a Soul Fragment from Poppy Poppy
Collecting a Soul Fragment from Quinn Quinn
Collecting a Soul Fragment from Riven Riven
Collecting a Soul Fragment from Sion Sion
Collecting a Soul Fragment from Swain Swain
Collecting a Soul Fragment from Tahm Kench Tahm Kench
Collecting a Soul Fragment from Taliyah Taliyah
Collecting a Soul Fragment from Warwick Warwick
Collecting a Soul Fragment from a Bilgewater Crest icon Bilgewater Champion
Collecting a Soul Fragment from a Solid Rose Clasic Faction Colors Black Rose Member
Collecting a Soul Fragment from a Darkin
Collecting a Soul Fragment from a Demon
Collecting a Soul Fragment from a Freljord Crest icon Freljordian
Collecting a Soul Fragment from an Ionia Crest icon Ionian
Collecting a Soul Fragment from a Piltover Crest icon Piltovan
Collecting a Soul Fragment from a Shadow Isles Crest icon Shadow Isles Champion
Collecting a Soul Fragment from a Runeterra Crest icon Vastayan
Collecting a Soul Fragment from a Void Crest icon Void Champion
Collecting a Soul Fragment from a Zaun Crest icon Zaunite

Using Death's Hand Death's Hand[]

25% chance

Using Vision of Empire Vision of Empire[]

Swain whispers an incomprehensible demonic spell. (The voicelines are audible for all players that have sight of Vision of Empire's area of effect.)
50% chance

Using Nevermove Nevermove[]

50% chance
On Cast
On Return
Upon Pulling

Using Demonic Ascension Demonic Ascension[]

Upon Deactivation

Kills and Objectives[]

Killing a Champion
Killing Gangplank Gangplank
Killing a Bilgewater Crest icon Bilgewater Champion
Killing a Demacia Crest icon Demacian
Killing a Noxus Crest icon Noxian
Scoring a Pentakill
Destroying a Turret icon Turret
Killing the Dragon Dragon

Other Gameplay[]

Placing a Ward icon Ward
30% chance

Recall Recall[]

75% chance, 10 seconds cooldown


75% chance

Co-op vs. AI Responses[]

Match Start
  • "Bear witness to the strength of Noxus!"
Special (against player Jarvan IV Jarvan IV)
  • "Pitiful prince!"
Player Team Victory
  • "Your tactics were cunning!"
Player Team Defeat
  • "GG!"


Swain, the Noxian Grand General Swain, the Noxian Grand General
  • Swain's and LeBlanc's relationship is a mysterious one. In essence, they are rivals that share a common goal, apparent in all of their interactions.
    • ▶️  "I have already walked the halls of death, in the Immortal Bastion." may reference the fact that Swain has been involved with the organization and participated in their rites in the past, but he and the Black Rose, of which LeBlanc is the matron, had a falling-out.
  • Swain's quotes when collecting a soul fragment give insights into multiple champions that hadn't been revealed at the time he was released.
    • ▶️  "They fight the mist above the seas, never looking beneath." refers to Pyke Pyke.
    • ▶️  "She claimed it was the Frost Queen's grave. They believed her." refers to Ashe Ashe faking the origin of her bow rather than getting it from Avarosa's grave, which was later shown in Warmother, where Ashe took the bow from a nameless grave.
    • ▶️  "The payment for her suffering in Shurima: a black rose." implies that Cassiopeia Cassiopeia is a Solid Rose Clasic Faction Colors Black Rose member, which was later stated in her biography update.
    • ▶️  "His secrets died with his sculptor." refers to the misconception that petricite suppresses magic rather than absorb it, bringing Galio Galio to life once he has absorbed enough magic, which was shown in the Lux comics.
    • ▶️  "So he's heard the rumours: The girl who came back." refers to Kai'Sa Kai'Sa.
  • ▶️  "Any man who must say 'We are winning'… is not truly winning." and ▶️  "A one-armed man needs all the help he can get." are references to Tywin Lannister from Game of Thrones. The voice actor is also part of the show's cast, portraying Randyll Tarly.
  • ▶️  "Only this, and nothing more" is a reference to the poem The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe.
  • ▶️  "It is better to be feared than loved, Vastaya. strongly resembles Niccolò Machiavelli's quote "It is far safer to be feared than loved." in the treatise The Prince; it is implied that it is better if one cannot be both.
  • ▶️  "They move swiftly, for all the coins weighing them down.", ▶️  "The mind is the weapon. You are unarmed.", ▶️  "Fame has gone to your head, and found ample room within.", and ▶️  "You're the only man I know who believes his own words, even after he's said them." reference Sir Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels.
    • ▶️  "Do not confuse cowardice for wisdom.", ▶️  "You can sit on a throne, that doesn't make you a ruler. It only means you have an arse.", ▶️  "They expect me to play fairly... We aren't even playing the same game.", ▶️  "Patience is a virtue but it has its limits.", ▶️  "There is nothing noteworthy about Demacia, but that in itself is worth noting.", and evidently ▶️  "I was born a patrician. I became a soldier." references Lord Havelock Vetinari of Ankh-Morpork, specifically. Swain and Vetinari were both born into patrician families.
  • A few of Swain's lines are altered from his old voice-over old voice-over. Some of them specifically intend to underline the difference in character with his full relaunch.
  • Swain shares quotes with:
  • ▶️  Swain OriginalCircle ▶️  Nasus OriginalCircle "Do not try my patience."
Original Swain (old) Original Swain (old)
  • ▶️  "The early bird guts the worm" is based on a famous idiom, "The early bird gets the worm."
  • In the Polish localization, his pick quote "Rozdziobią was kruki, wrony." (You are going to be pecked out by crows and ravens), is a reference to Stefan Żeromski's 1895 novel of the same title.
Tyrant Swain Tyrant Swain

