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League of Legends Wiki

Semchul is semi-independent settlement in southern Shuriman Jungle. It is the birthplace of the Yun Tal member, Aliay Qunlan Aliay Qunlan.


Semchul is known for their great "Gardeners", those who tend to the barrier of the Ixtal in or to protect it from the outside world, also known as the Nasiana by fellow Ixtali. Unlike the Ixtal Crest icon Yun Tal, however, all the gardeners do not know the truth that the world outside had not succumbed to an apocalypse and believe that any threat from outside, like Piltover Crest icon Piltovan machinery, is a result of that apocalypse.


Prefects Description
Mivasim Prefect of Semchul; Former Teacher of Aliay Qunlan Aliay Qunlan.

See also[]

