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League of Legends Wiki

Champion Select[]

Original Original
Spirit Blossom Spirit Blossom
A skin's voice-over set may feature: a filtered variation for some or all of the base skin's quotes; additional or replaced quotes. A skin's sound effect set may feature: unique events; replacements of the base skin's SFX for some or all events. Skin variants (e.g. Prestige) inherit all audio from their regular version, but can feature unique quotes or SFX.


First Move[]

  • ▶️   "Humans cast a spell every night. Every time they fall asleep."
  • ▶️   "The garden is filled with burls. The burls, with nightmares... Mother Tree, I'll remind them how to dream."
  • ▶️   "You can do this, Lillia. You are a strong, capable dream fawn. A-and you have a big stick. A-and you hit people with it but don't really mean it! Sorry."
  • ▶️   "Where are you, little lost dreams? I'll bring you to your home in the Dreaming Tree."
  • ▶️   "I'm glad you're with me, dream."
  • ▶️   "In my garden—the garden—there's a tree—the tree."
  • ▶️   "Night's falling in my garden. Leaves rustle like sheets! Why is...no one dreaming?"
  • ▶️   "A little girl, lying on her bed. Be brave, dream. She needs you."
  • ▶️  Lillia SpiritBlossomCircle "A festival of flowers? F-for me? Oh, not for me. Not for me."
  • ▶️  Lillia SpiritBlossomCircle "I met the strangest human in my forest. D-do you think they're here? I still have their dream."
  • ▶️  Lillia SpiritBlossomCircle "Spirit blossoms. Their petals are the tongues that allow the dead to speak. What happens when they're silent?"


15 seconds cooldown

Long Move[]

15 seconds cooldown, 2000 units
  • ▶️   "Do you think day turns red because it sees night watching, o-or is it just me?"
  • ▶️   "Dreams are funny things. Sometimes they have feathers, sometimes they are wooly, sometimes they lift me up like a bubble!"
  • ▶️   "Mother Tree used to have so many flowers. I hope you meet her one night, dream."
  • ▶️   "I can't stop from hiding, from being alone. But maybe, possibly, dream, someone will be alone with me."
  • ▶️   "Okay! Don't trip, don't trip—oops! Okay! Don't trip again, don't trip again—woah!"
  • ▶️   "Every direction here is straight. Where you leave is always behind you. No wonder the humans are lost."
  • ▶️   "My hooves are saying prance, but I-I...oh, too much pressure! Eep!"
  • ▶️   "Dream, I'll tell you a secret." Lillia gasps. "N-never mind. Someone might hear."
  • ▶️   Lillia gasps. "A leaf rustled! Is it okay if I hug my branch? Hug..."
  • ▶️   "Don't see me, don't see me, don't see me, don't see me! See me."
  • ▶️   "Everyone is so loud. They never say what they really mean. Really, really mean."
  • ▶️   "Humans think trees stand so tall, but they're lying on the air. You can hear them snore, and they're creaking!"
  • ▶️   "I want to meet a human...from over here. C-can they see me? Don't let them see me! I'm not ready! Eep!"

First Encounter[]

  • ▶️   "Well met! ...Is what I would tell them, if I wasn't already running! Eep!"
  • ▶️   "Do you think we've met before, in a dream we've both forgotten? Wouldn't that be wonderful?!"
  • ▶️   "Th-they see us, dream! Scamper!"
  • ▶️   "Would you...maybe, possibly, perhaps...want to dream with me?"
  • ▶️   "You, over there! Do you hear me? Not you. Your dream!"
  • ▶️   "Your dream calls to me! I-I hope you don't mind. Oh, you mind, don't you?"
First Encounter with Ahri Ahri
  • ▶️   "Some come to the garden lost. Others, to lose themselves. Like you, Ahri."
First Encounter with Ivern Ivern
  • ▶️   "Ivern! Am I still your favorite sprout? N-not that I have to be!"
First Encounter with Lulu Lulu
First Encounter with Neeko Neeko
  • ▶️   "Neeko, can you teach me why the humans hide what's inside? Or...should I ask your flower?"
First Encounter with Nocturne Nocturne
  • ▶️   "You've spread like a shadow no one sees–because it's within themselves!"
  • ▶️   "Nightmares are desire turned inside out, and upside down, and..." Lillia gasps. "Oh, dizzy!"
First Encounter with Yasuo Yasuo
  • ▶️   "Running from problems won't solve them. But it makes me feel safe!"
  • ▶️   "When he speaks, I hear your whisper, dream!"
First Encounter with Yone Yone
  • ▶️   "I feel your yearning. Deep down, it's what he he wants too."
  • ▶️   "Why would you want to remove your mask, Yone? It's great for hidin'."
  • ▶️   "When trapped in fear, dreams become nightmares. We're fighting the same thing!"
First Encounter with Zoe Zoe
  • ▶️   "You bring many dreams, sparkly child, but also... much anguish."



  • ▶️   "Oh hello, bird! What little whisps have you—A-a-a-achoo!" Lillia gasps. "Oopsie."




Basic Attacking[]

30% chance


15 seconds cooldown

Ability Casting[]

Using Blooming Blows Blooming Blows[]

40% chance
Stacks active
Gaining a Prance Prance stack
50% chance
Losing all Prance Prance stacks
50% chance

Using Watch Out! Eep! Watch Out! Eep![]

40% chance

Using Swirlseed Swirlseed[]

50% chance

Using Lilting Lullaby Lilting Lullaby[]

Kills and Objectives[]

Killing a Champion
Killing a Human
  • ▶️   "You dreamed until you ached. Now do something about it."

Recall Recall[]

10 seconds cooldown
  • ▶️   "Oh! Are you alright, dream? Your light is so dim..." Lillia gasps and then sighs, falling asleep.
  • ▶️   "What's wrong, dream? Are you ready to bloom? Oh!" Lillia sighs, falling asleep.
  • ▶️  Lillia SpiritBlossomCircle "When petals fall, dreams speak."
  • ▶️  Lillia SpiritBlossomCircle "When spirits mourn, the world blossoms."
  • ▶️  Lillia SpiritBlossomCircle "When humans sleep, spirits awake."




Lillia, the Bashful Bloom Lillia, the Bashful Bloom
Spirit Blossom Lillia Spirit Blossom Lillia
  • ▶️  "I met the strangest human in my forest. D-Do you think they're here? I still have their dream." is Lillia's Lillia's perspective in ▶️  Yone OriginalCircle "On a cliff by the sea, I found the strangest spirit. It walked on four legs and spoke of dreams".

