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League of Legends Wiki

Champion Select[]

Original Original
Warring Kingdoms Warring Kingdoms
Dark Star Dark Star
Nightbringer Nightbringer
A skin's voice-over set may feature: a filtered variation for some or all of the base skin's quotes; additional or replaced quotes. A skin's sound effect set may feature: unique events; replacements of the base skin's SFX for some or all events. Skin variants (e.g. Prestige) inherit all audio from their regular version, but can feature unique quotes or SFX.





Jarvan IV stands as if giving a rallying speech but accidentally crushes his toes with his lance and hops on one foot.



Basic Attacking[]


Ability Casting[]

Using Dragon Strike Dragon Strike[]

Using Demacian Standard Demacian Standard[]

Using Cataclysm Cataclysm[]


Co-op vs. AI Responses[]

Match Start
  • "Meet me in battle... and hold nothing back."
Against Player Swain Swain
  • "Your schemes end here, Swain."
Player Team Victory
  • "You have won this day."
Player Team Defeat
  • "GG!"


Jarvan IV, the Exemplar of Demacia Jarvan IV, the Exemplar of Demacia
Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV
  • In the Chinese localization, the skin features a unique voiceover, referencing Romance of the Three Kingdoms.
  • The quotes are as follows:
    • "啊,好怀念的感觉,哈哈哈哈。" ("Ah, I feel so nostalgic, hahahaha.")
    • "看我神威,无坚不摧!" ("Behold my divine power, I am invincible!")
    • "千军万马一将在,探囊取物有何难!" ("Thousands of troops and thousands of horses are here, how difficult is it to find things!")
    • "布,生平不好斗,为好解斗。" ("Bu has never been a fighter, he just likes to resolve fights.")
    • "高顺为援,出击!" ("Gao Shun comes to the rescue and attacks!")
    • "别带着本将军闲逛!" ("Don't take this general for a stroll!")
    • "尔等,将貂蝉藏于何处?" ("Hey you, where did you hide Diaochan?")
    • "哼,大丈夫生于天地间,岂能郁郁久居人下!" ("Hmph, a man was born in heaven and earth, how can he live in depression for a long time!")
    • "所到之处,无人能挡!" ("Wherever he goes, no one can stop him!")
    • "能给本将军把赤兔牵来吗?" ("Can you bring me the Red Hare?")
    • "为何尔等看着方天画戟的眼神如此贪婪,这又不是三国的游戏!" ("Why are you looking at the Fangtian Painted Halberd with such greedy eyes? This is not a game of the Three Kingdoms!")
    • "如果你们听过本将军的威名,就赶紧束手就擒吧!" ("If you've heard of my reputation, you'd better hurry up and surrender!")
    • "一骑当千!" ("One ride is worth a thousand!")
    • "呃,我怎能……在这种地方……倒下……" ("Uh, how could I... fall... in a place like this...")

