League of Legends Wiki

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League of Legends Wiki
Raise your Dongers! Emote
"Hmm... let me fix that."
This article or section is substantially or structurally incomplete. You can help the League of Legends Wiki by expanding it. For more projects, see the Community To Do List.
This article was last edited by Ruwbz on 24-Nov-2022 23:38.
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"It's all smoke and mirrors."

This article is for demonstration purposes. The content is fictional or arbitrary.

  • Discussion regarding this demonstration can be found on Discord server.
Champion select
  • Selection
  • Ban
Table of contents
Voice packs (key/list)
  • Original
  • Legendary
  • Skin with voice filter

Candidate: Credits?

  • Selection
  • Game start
  • etc
Candidate: Dialogue/Callouts

This section would be for quotes directed at this champion.

Candidate: Patch history
Bottom navigation