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This article is a compilation of the trivia sections found across Azir's Azir's articles and is provided as a courtesy for readers who enjoyed our previously dedicated champion-trivia articles.

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Main article: Azir (Development)
  • In League of Legends icon League of Legends, Azir is voiced by Travis Willingham, who also voices Talon Talon.
    • Azir's Japanese voice actor is Akio Hirose.[1]
    • Azir's Chinese voice actor is 王玮.[2]
  • In Legends of Runeterra icon Legends of Runeterra, Azir is voiced by Iké Amadi.[3]
  • Azir's name is very similar to the arabic word أمير, (Aamir) meaning "Commander", and is very likely that this is the inspiration for his name.
  • Azir's development started right after patch V1.0.0.131 and went on for three years, eventually having to be pushed back due to his skillset needing to be reworked.[4]
    • His release was scheduled for patch V4.16 but had to be delayed six days due to numerous bugfixes.
      • A few hours after release he was disabled due to even more bugfixes being needed, finally being re-enabled the following day.
  • Azir resembles:
    • Egyptian theonym Wsjr > Coptic ⲟⲩⲥⲓⲣⲉ > Greek Ὄσιρις-Osiris, possibly from Ancient Egyptian wsr "strong"[5]
    • Central-Semitic noun *ʕĀðir > *ʕĀzir "he [who] helps" (> Hebrew עוֹזֵר ʕozer)[6]
  • Azir's codename was Seth Seth, a Sand Mage that was expected to be canceled,[7] possibly after the Upper Egyptian deity:
    • He was more focused on sand magic at first, but was later shifted to more of a commander/emperor after Riot realized that was the theme/story they really wanted to capture with Azir.[8]
      • There was a Reddit leak in 14-May-2013 showing Azir's early concept, which was presumed fake up until his reveal.
        • One of the earliest Azir skillsets Colt 'Ezreal' Hallam worked on had an ultimate called 'Sand Hands' in which a pair of those would rise from the ground and, after a delay, move together pushing everyone between each other and squish them in.
          • Other themes included Sand Golem, Man with Sand Cloak, Sand-Bender Lady, Evil Sand Wraith, and more until Azir reached his current look.[9]

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Main article: Azir (Character)
  • Azir is inspired by the Egyptian gods Horus and Ra.
  • Based on the timeline in Realms of Runeterra and his lore, Azir is between 3000 – 3050 years old.
  • As suggested by Taliyah's Taliyah's quote ▶️   "Close to the ground, the sparrow flies faster than the falcon.", his Ascended form resembles that of a falcon.
  • Azir's mother was born in Vekaura. Xerath Xerath later destroyed the city during the events of Bloodline.
    • Azir originally intended to destroy Saikhal, Xerath's Xerath's birthplace, for revenge but was convinced not to as he was reminded that it would make him the same thing as what Xerath has become.
      • Azir knows a lot of secrets about Xerath's Xerath's past that are only known to the two.
  • As stated by Riot Opeli in Azir's Q&A thread, Azir was a benevolent leader, a kind dictator devoted to his people's well-being and prosperity. Though he got a little ahead of himself with the over-enthusiastic Ascension ritual, even that was done with good intentions, for he saw Ascension as a means to have Shurima grow and influence the entire world.[10]
    • This desire was never derived from conquest, as Azir truly believes Shurima was the pinnacle of civilization and could only continue to prosper.
    • Azir put off abolishing slavery because doing so in a short period of time would likely lead to massive protests and possibly a coup. As power went to his head, however, he forgot that others also had worthwhile ideas.
    • Azir currently wishes for the other city-states to join his empire so that they may benefit from Shurima's culture and way of life. This might prove difficult after being trapped in limbo for millennia, given the likes of Zaun are the antithesis to Shurima.
      • So for now, Azir's motivation is to restore Shurima's glory.
    • Back in the empire's heyday, Azir was popular with the ladies.[11] This charisma might help him restore his people to greatness.
  • As stated by Gem 'Lonewingy' Lim in Azir's Q&A thread, Azir's gauntlets have ribbon-like tassels to emphasize his regal status and to resemble embroidered robes which in turn represent feathers, cementing the bird-like appearance.[12]
  • Xerath's Xerath's Ascended power was stolen from Azir, but manifests in the wrong way due to its not being intended for him.
  • At the end of Twilight of the Gods, the Chalicar the Chalicar had absorbed the - for want of a better phrase - Darkin DNA essence, which, combined with Ta'anari's heart, would allow humans to craft the weapons tailored to trap the remaining Darkin at a later date.[13] Tomb of Emperors is Shuriman, but the events of the story imbued the Chalicar with a resonance to the Ascended, so it acted as a channel between Sivir Sivir and her distant ancestor, Azir which allowed her blood to revive him. As the Alchemists of Old said, "Like attracts like...".[14]
  • Azir's Q&A (Creative) by Riot Narrative team: (Note: In case people question the authenticity of the contents above, the copy-and-paste version of the orginal text is added here: )[15]
    • 1. What kind of a ruler was he?
      • Riot-Opeli: He was a benevolent leader. Still a dictator, but a kind one, and he was interested in his people's well-being and prosperity. He got a little ahead of himself, though - hence the over-enthusiastic Ascension ritual - but even that was done with good intentions. He wanted Shurima to grow and influence the entire world.
    • 2. Why can't Azir just let go his lost empire? What he gonna rule there anyway, sands? Though I can somehow see him modeling his whole empire with sand then play empire in his head. Now I kinda got sad for him...
      • Riot-Runaan: He can't let go because he truly loved his nation, however much his ambition may have led him astray. He can't accept responsibility for what happened to his kingdom - he blames Xerath, but was it really Xerath's fault...? Or was it the emperor who couldn't see the cruel intent of his most trusted advisor - and friend? :O And yes - for the moment, he is an emperor without an empire. An emperor without a people. He has nothing - but he'll do everything with his newfound power to change that, and rebuild Shurima into the thriving, powerful empire it once was.
    • 3. Does Azir plan to rebuild Shurima?
    • 4. Does Azir wish to just peacefully rebuild Shurima and see if people join his ways? Or will he do it with force?
      • Riot-Opeli: He wishes to do it peacefully, but he's not afraid of using force. It will only happen if he's forced his hand.
    • 5. What's the CURRENT state of Shurima? We've heard that it's been swallowed by the desert, and that Xerath, apparently, blew up the city, but...An empire isn't just one city. What about the rest of Shurima? What did they do for the world around them when they were at their prime?
      • Riot-Runaan: We talked about Shurima as a place with a really thriving culture - a place with not only a strong military and a powerful emperor, but a place with a sense of personal identity (art, music, literature, trade, magical technology etc). Azir's motivation to bring the golden light of Shurima to other nations was/is not really a "conquering" aim - it's that he truly believes that Shurima was the height of civilization, and could only continue to grow more wonderful. After Xerath's corrupt ascension, everything was more or less buried beneath the sands and left to ruin, but Azir definitely doesn't think that's the end of things.
    • 6. Did Azir have any inkling that Xerath was going to betray him, or was he blind to that possibility?
      • Riot-Opeli: He was blind to it. He totally trusted Xerath. :(
    • 7. Did Azir rule alone, or would there have been a...Mrs. Azir?
      • Riot-Opeli: It's safe to say he was... popular with the ladies.
    • 8. What does Azir think of Nasus? Does he respect him or dislike him?
      • Riot-Opeli: Azir deeply respects Nasus. Although Nasus views him as a little arrogant because he got to see what happened to Shurima as a result of Azir's hubris.
    • 9. What does Azir think of Yordles? Does Azir know Anivia at all or have any relation to her? Did Azir ALWAYS love birds?
      • Riot-Entropy: Azir would welcome their furry enthusiasm, provided they directed it toward expanding Shurima's greatness. Azir was once human, so he's a great deal younger than Anivia. Nasus on the other hand... Birds soar to great heights. I can't help but think Azir would admire that.
    • 10. Does (Ascended) Azir sleep in a bed or a nest? If it's a nest, what's it made of?
    • 11. Given the fact that the Shurimans aren't the only sun revering culture, what does Azir think of Mount Targon and the Solari?
      • Riot-Entropy: At the very least, intrigued. Though one can't help but wonder if once the whole "You like the Sun? Me too!" phase passes they might have some serious differences to sort out.
    • 12. How much of Runeterra (regions, city states etc.) does Azir know/remember from old-Shuriman days? How much has changed for him?
      • Riot-Opeli: For some people, Shurima is like an Atlantis to them - they believe it's only a myth (although, obviously, they will be proven wrong). For others, like the people currently inhabiting the desert of Shurima, they knew it existed a long time ago and there are believed to be no "true" Shurimans remaining. Even Renekton and Nasus were stories for them. A LOT has changed for Azir. He has a lot of catching up to do.
    • 13. Was he always so...birdy? I mean he has fabulous legs but I wonder were they like that when he was young and...alive?
      • Riot-Opeli: No, he was human originally. But I also think he has fabulous legs. :P
    • 14. Now that he is returned, what are his views on the other City-States like Noxus and Piltover?
      • Riot-Opeli: Azir believes that the other city-states would benefit from Shurima's culture and way of life. He'll try to get them to join his empire and conform to his ideals. HOWEVER, he is in for quite the culture shock because so much has changed while he's been... away. I think Zaun would boggle him the most. But he wouldn't let anyone see that.

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Main article: Azir (League of Legends)
  • Azir is the first champion to have his first ability point restricted to a single one (Arise! Arise!) since it's required for the other two (Conquering Sands Conquering Sands and Shifting Sands Shifting Sands) to function.
    • He is also the second champion to be unable to rank up a basic ability at Level 1, the first being Zilean Zilean.
  • Shurima's Legacy Shurima's Legacy may be referencing the Egyptian solar disc god Aten[16] (depicted as a sphere emanating rays of light each ending with a hand) and titular god of the short-lived monotheistic religion imposed by Pharaoh Akhenaten. His son Tutankhamun later restored the polytheistic religion.
  • Azir's dance references Remember The Time by Michael Jackson.
    • A side-by-side comparison can be seen here.
    • If Azir summons summons Sand Soldiers and then dances, they will follow him and dance all in sync.
      • His soldiers will keep dance in Azir's stead while if the player types '/dance' while Azir is recalling recalling.
      • If enemies cannot see Azir while he dances, his soldiers will not appear to dance to them.


Main article: Azir (League of Legends Audio)
Azir, the Emperor of the Sands Azir, the Emperor of the Sands
  • Azir himself heavily references the Dune franchise, specifically emperors Muad'Dib and his tyrant son Leto II. They are both associated with deserts and relentlessly pursue their vision of greatness for humanity, while also alluding to its inevitability.
  • ▶️  "What is a baron baron to an emperor?" references No Church In The Wild by Kanye West.
    • The quote is likely still referencing the Dune franchise, with the baron being Baron Harkonnen whom Paul Atreides (Muad'Dib) defeated right before becoming emperor.
  • ▶️  "See what I see." might be referencing V for Vendetta.
  • ▶️  "Shuriman sands flow ever in our favour." references The Hunger Games ("May the odds be ever in your favour.")


Main article: Azir (Collection)
Original Azir Original Azir
  • The scene depicted is most likely moments after his Ascension, Sivir Sivir having long departed and Azir summoning summoning his sand army to prepare to fight Xerath Xerath, with the newly-risen Shuriman capital and the Sun Disc Sun Disc in the background.
Galactic Azir Galactic Azir
Gravelord Azir Gravelord Azir
SKT T1 Azir SKT T1 Azir
Warring Kingdoms Azir Warring Kingdoms Azir
Elderwood Azir Elderwood Azir
Chromaskins Chromas: Catseye, Emberwood, Emerald, Pearl, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sapphire, Turquoise
Worlds 2022 Azir Worlds 2022 Azir
Chromaskins Chromas: Obsidian, One & Only, Tanzanite, Turquoise

