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A member registered Apr 25, 2018

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It was fun.  Could've had more levels.

Cell behavior is not deterministic. This is unfortunate for a puzzle game.

warning that 50/50 is max

Pretty fun.  None of the enemies in the demo have any way of handling Briar, but I imagine that will change in the full version.

Criticality community · Created a new topic Thanks

Game is very cool, thanks for making it

Heal spell does not heal.

Updates made this a lot better :)

Got this sailing into a swarm:


Moonring v0.0.814:

main.lua:639: No direction given


[love "callbacks.lua"]:228: in function 'handler'

[C]: in function 'old_assert'

main.lua:639: in function 'assert'

actor_manager.lua:2305: in function 'spawnGroupWithNameDirectionAndStatuses'

state_game.lua:14019: in function 'spawnEnemiesOnZoomedInMap'

state_game.lua:13827: in function 'zoomIn'

state_game.lua:7730: in function 'fixedUpdate'

state_game.lua:2673: in function 'update'

main.lua:1266: in function 'gameUpdate'

main.lua:1286: in function 'update'

[love "callbacks.lua"]:162: in function <[love "callbacks.lua"]:144>

[C]: in function 'xpcall'

Nice job!

I think maybe just reframing it could be better.  Like, instead of "Yay, you get this good thing! (but secretly it is bad)" you could do "Oh no, a fairy added a card to your deck! (but secretly it may be fine)".  Also adding the card altars means this game has *so much* card destruction, so leaving it as is is probably also fine since any cards you don't want you can toss at a shop or altar anyway and you're never gonna use up all the sacrifices anyhow.

Maybe I am misremembering but I thought I went to 0 EP and before the animation played I switched loadouts so I had more than 0 ep (possibly I opened the inventory and manually equipped an item, though) and then I could keep playing just fine, and I did that a couple times but I also failed to do it several times so I gave up on it as a plan.

Beat it once, I think (it said I would continue with the current character sans gold, but I didn't actually get to do that).

I like the current Log-scale health bar system.  If there was a numeric version I would probably use that instead because of the tactical advantage, but I prefer the current system because learning to guess the remaining health based on the shown bars is fun.  It would also be cool if the base for the log graph itself increased each bar so that higher bars are increasingly unresponsive, so then you could have an enemy where fully half its health is hidden is a sliver of a health bar and it looks like you aren't making progress until you push through and then you only have another 50% hp to deal or so.  I wouldn't want a sliver of health to be more than 50% of max hp, though, or it would be less fun, so maybe base should asymptotically approach some finite limit?

I like the routing aspect of the game, and I hope that remains a focus in future versions.  Stat allocation and equipment selection is okay, but routing is the main strategic element I enjoy.

It's a little weird that you can keep playing if you switch to an equipment set with more encounters after using the last one fast enough, but will die if you take too long clicking.  I see that a pop-up dialogue like when in the equipment menu might feel bad, but what if you automatically switched to a loadout with more ep left if one exists when you run out?

Excellently made

Beat the demo, but I sure wish there was more!

The opponent not having to obey e.g. rocket physics feels kinda unfair.

Yes it works now!  I didn't understand that resources were all lost at end of turn, and that activating tiles with no dice was free.

The game is not very balanced at present, but the general idea is good and it certainly has the potential to be fun.  I beat the ladybug cult, but the king was taking too long so I clicked the top left of the screen where the insta win button used to be to see if it still works and it does.  

Not sure how to deploy landing gear, game is otherwise pretty good

The game looks fun but I can't figure out the controls. I know I need to assign dice to a tile but it only works very rarely when I am trying clicking one and then the other, clicking and dragging both directions, and holding spacebar while doing these things.

Beat it! Massive input lag and slow acceleration except from gravity were more annoying than fun, but the game still had some decent moments, especially some of the longer aerial sections (though better checkpointing would have been appreciated between several areas).

The massive lag is present on Windows 10 as well

Note that if your numbers get too big, they wrap around negative, and then if they are negative when an epoch ends the game locks up. The dangerous value is around 2147483647, which is too bad because I was only going to hit something on the order of 2^35.

Also note that infinite loops are secretly not allowed-- the game will forcibly end your turn after either ~100 energy has been spent or ~20 shuffles have been done, not sure which.

game froze after the second play of the tutorial battle was supposed to resolve.

Yes, that would be awesome!  The game is already pretty big so that sounds very expansive

Nice game!

I sure wish games like this weren't always abandoned :(

Having an enemy that's dangerous because it gives infinite money and xp when you kill it and that freezes the game if you aren't careful is interesting, but I'm not sure it's a good idea because I think good timing on a town portal scroll could get you out of there with 7-8 levels worth of XP from one kill, and that seems like an issue maybe.

Should be only one level down from top level after extraction, next to UnityCrashHandler

Adding too many allies crashes the game.  Happened when adding a new ally at cost 80.

I'm getting a java error when I try to launch the game: "An error occurred while launching the application".  Updated java to make sure that wasn't why and it still happens.  Running on Windows 10

(1 edit)

Game is pretty and the card effects are well-made and interesting with only a few glitches that I've seen.  The only major critique I have is that the cards offered in the first two rounds have an outsized impact on the game, and that isn't very fun with how synergistic the card design is yet how entirely random the offerings are.

Also, in terms of glitches, spaces opened up by normal destruction prevent the game from ending due to a full board, but destruction as a result of the Bat Star's value-lowering effect doesn't.

Final score: 77 out of 70

Yet another crypto scam game.

I had the same thing happen on wave 26 instead.  I'm not sure how that's possible, though.

What's the difference between this and Starscribed?

Excellent game!

(1 edit)

Do you know what triggers this behaviour in the mods?

Nevermind, saw it in the changelog you posted.  Thanks, will try your version, didn't realize what I was playing was the modded one.

Finally got 5 stars on Reasonable.  Now to tackle harder difficulties.

The game force-sold almost all of my cards simultaneously and autosaved, ruining a save file after months of play.  This is a sad time :(  I have no idea what instantly sells all your cards, but I sure have never sold a card on purpose!

Has any progress been made on this?

Pickpocket discards credits only.  You need to use Rushdown to discard the other cards.

They're fine.  The game is very close to Settlers of Catan, and I would describe it as a puzzle game much more than a roguelike.  The unlucky wheel is a good addition.