supply (someone or something) with (someone or something)

(redirected from supplying us with)

supply (someone or something) with (someone or something)

To furnish, equip, or provide someone or something with one or more people or things. This company supplies the entire region with electricity. I can supply you with all the workers you need to get this build finished in time.
See also: supply
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

supply someone or something with something

to provide something to someone or something. We will supply you with all the pencils you need. We supplied the committee with ice water.
See also: supply
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
See also:
References in periodicals archive ?
'Considering the directives of the President, supplying us with food and other measures undertaken by the Department of Finance, as well as agriculture and trade, I think that contributes (in taming inflation),' Panelo said in a Palace briefing.
Dusty Howze, president of Renewable Solar Energy, said, 'Canadian Solar has always done a great job supplying us with solar panels.
"PTH even go that extra mile by supplying us with a courtesy vehicle of equal size when our trucks are in with them, meaning that we can continue with our day-to-day business and not lose out on contracts and revenue.
My case was that we should develop our own market with the commonwealth countries, Australia and New Zealand supplying us with food, the West Indies with sugar and fruit, Canada and the African countries giving us raw materials, (now China is exploiting this), all in exchange for industrial goods which at that time we were leading the world with.
"We would urge the community to keep supplying us with information."
I believe there are plenty of reasons to re-evaluate the way animals are raised, treated, and killed in the process of supplying us with meat.
"Pitman Company made a big contribution, supplying us with Macintosh and other equipment.
We thank the Easter Island population for providing blood samples, the physicians for their cooperation, the Ministry of Health for allowing us access to the outbreak information data, our laboratory staff for their enthusiasm in quickly developing new methods, Juan Pascale for sending us dengue monoclonal antibodies, and the Naval Medical Research Center Detachment for helping us with the protocols to develop the dengue virus culture and supplying us with the reagents for the in-house dengue enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.
"We are very grateful to B&S Engineering, which is supplying us with garden tools worth pounds 160 for the children to use.
Literature is taught the world over because it places people in complicated psychological and historical contexts and gives us insight into the human condition, supplying us with the cultural food necessary for maturation.
"He'll mainly be supplying us with good quality runners, with plenty of pups as well."
In the interest of balance perhaps you would like to publish something that appeared on the same ' Natwatch' website yesterday:'Nat Watch wonders how exactly how Plaid Cymru plans on supplying us with energy.