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STESuite (US Postal Service)
STESaint (French)
STESociete (French: Society)
STESave the Earth (game)
STEScience, Technology and Engineering (various organizations)
STEStar Trek: Enterprise
STEScience and Technology Education
STEScience Teacher Education (journal)
STEST Segment Elevation (cardiology)
STESerial to Ethernet (computer servers)
STEStandard Test Equipment
STESystem Test Engineer
STESoftware Test Engineer
STEShort-Term Energy
STESemiconductor Test Equipment
STESenior Technical Editor
STESecondary Technical Education
STESpecial Test Equipment
STESynthetic Training Equipment (UK)
STEShort Term Extension
STESecure Terminal Equipment
STESolar Thermal Electricity
STESite Definition
STEScsi Target Emulation
STESignaling Terminal Equipment
STESolar Thermal Electric
STESecure Telephone Equipment
STESpanning Tree Explorer
STESoftware Test and Evaluation
STESpecial Touring Edition (Pontiac)
STESyrian Telecommunications Establishment
STESoftware Test Environment
STEStratosphere-Troposphere Exchange (geophysics)
STESharp Telecommunications of Europe, Ltd. (UK)
STESkin Tone Enhancer (various companies)
STEState Trading Enterprise
STESmall Tourism Enterprise (various locations)
STESimplified Technical English
STESociedad Tolkien Española (Spanish Tolkien Society)
STESection Terminating Equipment (SONET)
STEStraight Talk Express (John McCain's campaign bus)
STESciences et Techniques Educatives (French: Educational Science and Technology; journal)
STESystem Test and Evaluation
STESystem Test Equipment
STEStation de Traitement des Effluents (French: Effluent Treatment Plant)
STEState Transition Engine
STESegment Table Entry
STESupport & Test Equipment
STEShade Tree Engineer
STESafety through Engineering (New Carlisle, OH)
STESteelville Telephone Exchange (Missouri)
STESynthetic Task Environment
STESuprathermal Electron Telescope
STESimplified Test Equipment
STESpécifications Techniques d'Exploitation (French: Technical Operating Specifications)
STESignalling Terminal Exchange
STEShift Test Engineer
STESodium Chloride-Tris-EDTA
STESynthetic Training Environment
STESignaling Terminal Equipment (ITU-T)
STESurface Threat Emitter
STESpace Technology Enterprise
STEStaff-years of Technical Effort
STESurface Terminal Equipment
STEShipboard Test Equipment
STESupergroup Translating Equipment
STESecure Transmission Equipment
STESnyder Thorn Enterprises (Canadian company)
STESuper Transmittance Eyepiece
STEStability & Equilibrium Data
STESwitch Test Execution (Sprint)
STEStar Tracker Electronics
STEStochastic Taylor Expansion (mathematics)
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