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SAMSScottish Association for Marine Science
SAMSSwiss Academy of Medical Sciences (Basel, Switzerland)
SAMSSport and Adventure Motor Show
SAMSSendmail Advanced Message Server
SAMSStrategic Asset Management System
SAMSSchool of Advanced Military Studies (US Army)
SAMSSocial Assistance Management System (various locations)
SAMSSpace Acceleration Measurement System
SAMSStandard Army Maintenance System
SAMSSouth American Missionary Society (of the Episcopal Church, Inc)
SAMSSouthern Appalachian Mountain Stewards (Appalachia, VA)
SAMSSkowhegan Area Middle School (Skowhegan, ME)
SAMSScottish-American Military Society (est. 1981; North Carolina)
SAMSSurveying and Mapping Science
SAMSStratospheric and Mesospheric Sounder
SAMSSingle Family Acquired Asset Management System (US HUD)
SAMSSystemic Advocacy Management System (IRS)
SAMSSociety of Accredited Marine Surveyors, Inc. (Jacksonville, Florida)
SAMSSnap Automated Medical System (US Navy)
SAMSShipboard Automated Medical System
SAMSServiços de Assistência Médico Social (Portugal)
SAMSSurface Air Management System (US Postal Service)
SAMSSow Abortion and Mortality Syndrome
SAMSSOF (Special Operations Forces) Air Mission Suite (US DoD)
SAMSSystems Analysis and Mission Support
SAMSSurface Atmospheric Measurement System (Army)
SAMSSpace Assembly, Maintenance, and Servicing
SAMSSupport Agreement Management System
SAMSServicing and Maintenance System (NASA)
SAMSSatellite Automatic Monitoring System
SAMSSenior Assistance Management System (Synergy Software)
SAMSSecurity Assistance Management Information System
SAMSSpecial Access Management System (ISDN)
SAMSShore Activity Maintenance Support
SAMSShuttle Acceleration Measurement Systems (NASA)
SAMSSupport and Maintenance Systems
SAMSShip Alternation Management System
SAMSSATCOM Automated Monitoring Subsystem
SAMSSoftware Acquisition Management Seminar
SAMSSprint Automated Mapping System (Sprint)
SAMSShore Activity Management Support
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