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1. Economics
a. willingness and ability to offer goods and services for sale
b. the amount of a commodity that producers are willing and able to offer for sale at a specified price
2. a grant of money voted by a legislature for government expenses, esp those not covered by other revenues
3. (in Parliament and similar legislatures) the money voted annually for the expenses of the civil service and armed forces
4. a source of electrical energy, gas, etc.
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
References in classic literature ?
This circumstance had suggested to him the idea of supplying the Russian establishment regularly by means of the annual ship that should visit the settlement at the mouth of the Columbia (or Oregon) ; by this means the casual trading vessels would be excluded from those parts of the coast where their malpractices were so injurious to the Russians.
Being able to reinforce and supply it amply by sea, he would push his interior posts in every direction up the rivers and along the coast; supplying the natives at a lower rate, and thus gradually obliging the Northwest Company to give up the competition, relinquish New Caledonia, and retire to the other side of the mountains.
The supplying of them to the people in the community has had the same effect as the supplying of bricks, and the man who learns at Tuskegee to build and repair wagons and carts is regarded as a benefactor by both races in the community where he goes.
The AC stabilized power supply is widely used for reliable power supplying of sensors.