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conspire against (something or someone)

To join together in force or combine in such a way as to foil or defeat someone or something. The wind and rain conspired against our plans for an outdoor barbecue. His two younger brothers conspired against him to have him removed from the head of the company. The group was arrested for conspiring against the monarch.
See also: conspire

conspire with (one)

To plot or scheme with one. What are you kids whispering about back there? You better not be conspiring with each other! The president of the company conspired with his assistant to conceal all evidence of his crime. It turns out the company had conspired with other corporations from around the world to devise this major tax-evasion plan.
See also: conspire

conspire with (someone) against (something or someone)

To join together in force or combine in such a way as to foil or defeat someone or something. I bet the CEO conspired with the head of HR against Tom. Why else would he have been removed from the company like that? The president of the company conspired with his receptionist against the authorities to conceal all evidence of his crime. I bet the captain of our team conspired with the coach against me and that's why I got traded.
See also: conspire
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

conspire with someone (against someone or something)

 and conspire (with someone) against someone or something
to join with someone in a plot against someone or something else. The CEO conspired with the board of directors against the stockholders. Ed conspired with Sam against the plan.
See also: conspire
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
See also:
References in periodicals archive ?
It's a necessary' lesson: Members of the Society of Jesus are traditionally scorned as the cerebral ones, mistrusted as elitists, conspirers, wielders of power.
The conspirers had firm control over the activities to be kept secret.
In the same year, for the first time in 17 years, the JFTC brought charges against the conspirers of a cartel under criminal law.
Meanwhile, al-Bashir vowed to protect Sudan against the conspirers who seek to take advantage of the recent economic measures to inflict harm on the country.
A civil society movement, known for its education and charity services and activities, is being labeled as a criminal or terrorist organization and many evil and ugly labels that reasonable and conscientious people would never accept, including gang, provocateur, traitor, conspirers of international plots and accomplices to foreign powers, are being used with respect to these people who have never been involved in any criminal activity.
MP Sharif Shhadeh said that the conspirers are angry with Syria because of their failure in misleading others and the success of Syrian media in exposing their crimes.
Two weeks ago, the Egyptian justice system acquitted nearly all the pillars of the previous regime, including hundreds of murderers, thieves, and conspirers. True, Mubarak and his interior minister Habib al-Adly were sentenced to life imprisonment, probably under public pressure.
However, he refused to ideally deal with these demands in order to improve his ties with his people, and came out afterwards to deliver a crude and defiant speech before the People's Assembly, announcing that his security apparatuses will use force to eliminate all the infiltrators, armed elements and conspirers.
ISLAMABAD, February 14, 2011 (Balochistan Times): Former Minister for Religious Affairs Hamid Saeed Kazmi on Sunday said that corruption allegations levelled against him were baseless and an effort of his character assassination by the conspirers. Addressing a press conference here, Kazmi said FIA reports have clearly mentioned that no action can be taken against me on the basis of false evidences unless any of these are proved.
Patna, Apr 20 (ANI): Bihar Pradesh Congress Committee (BPCC) president Anil Kumar Sharma today accused Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) chief Lalu Prasad Yadav of plotting 1989 Bhagalpur riots and protecting the main conspirers.
Second, the copies of the modified CDs were also found in the search carried out in the "cosmic room" of the military compound in GE[micro]lcE-k; it was unrealistic to think that these CDs were planted there by conspirers. Defense lawyers had hard disk no.
They were thus called "infiltrators", "conspirers", "armed elements" and "demons," just because they stood fast and demanded their rights and freedoms in the face of the arms of the regimes' "thugs" and "brutes."
ISLAMABAD, February 14, 2011 (Frontier Star): Former Minister for Religious Affairs Hamid Saeed Kazmi on Sunday said that corruption allegations levelled against him were baseless and an effort of his character assassination by the conspirers. Addressing a press conference here, Kazmi said FIA reports have clearly mentioned that no action can be taken against me on the basis of false evidences unless any of these are proved.
If this is a plot or conspiracy, who are the conspirers or organizers within the state?
He added that the event aimed at conveying a message to those coward people that victory is close and Syria will remain strong in the face of conspiracies and conspirers.