conspire against (something or someone)

(redirected from conspired against us)

conspire against (something or someone)

To join together in force or combine in such a way as to foil or defeat someone or something. The wind and rain conspired against our plans for an outdoor barbecue. His two younger brothers conspired against him to have him removed from the head of the company. The group was arrested for conspiring against the monarch.
See also: conspire
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
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References in periodicals archive ?
"After entering the series late, we've shown that we have the pace but a number of things have conspired against us.
The BJP conspired against us and its lies have been exposed," Congress leader Randeep Surjewala said, while addressing the media.
These unfortunate events, however, should not make us feel pity for our country or say that the Fates have conspired against us to make the lives of our people miserable.
"Barcelona were coming off the back of a defeat and we had a lot of things that conspired against us that night.
It just feels as though the fates have conspired against us in the cup competitions.
In the wake of the 2010 election, he said, he and a "number of other colleagues pressed for the coalition negotiators to enter into talks with the Labour Party in order to attempt to broker a deal with them," adding: "Unfortunately the maths, and the attitude of Labour for that matter, conspired against us, but we owed it to those of the left of our party to at least try."
The world has conspired against us he claims, just so that he can urge us to "stay close to me so I can protect you." These are very old tricks which nobody buys nowadays.
"The speaker and the chief minister have cheated us and we will not spare anyone who conspired against us," Prasad said.
"The trials and tribulations of a completely new car have conspired against us today."
Frustrations with clients, the global economic crisis, and more than our fair share of simple bad luck have all conspired against us and we are no longer able to continue trading."
"We dominated at home to Luxembourg, then Azerbaijan, without making it count and although some things conspired against us, a lot of it was our own doing.
"On the night we're disappointed we've got ourselves into a winning position and circumstances conspired against us."
"They are fresh because they did not play on Boxing Day - that's another thing which has conspired against us.
"It's a situation where we need to keep working well - I've got no complaints with the effort, I just think that things conspired against us (with the dismissals) that made us lose."
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