
Despise Quotes

Quotes tagged as "despise" Showing 1-30 of 55
Noam Chomsky
“If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all.”
Noam Chomsky

Cynthia Hand
“Sam: "I always thought you were the most beautiful of all the Nephilim."
Meg: "That's ironic because I always thought you were the ugliest of all the angels.”
Cynthia Hand, Unearthly

Robert G. Ingersoll
“Until every soul is freely permitted to investigate every book, and creed, and dogma for itself, the world cannot be free. Mankind will be enslaved until there is mental grandeur enough to allow each man to have his thought and say. This earth will be a paradise when men can, upon all these questions differ, and yet grasp each other's hands as friends. It is amazing to me that a difference of opinion upon subjects that we know nothing with certainty about, should make us hate, persecute, and despise each other. Why a difference of opinion upon predestination, or the trinity, should make people imprison and burn each other seems beyond the comprehension of man; and yet in all countries where Christians have existed, they have destroyed each other to the exact extent of their power. Why should a believer in God hate an atheist? Surely the atheist has not injured God, and surely he is human, capable of joy and pain, and entitled to all the rights of man. Would it not be far better to treat this atheist, at least, as well as he treats us?

Christians tell me that they love their enemies, and yet all I ask is—not that they love their enemies, not that they love their friends even, but that they treat those who differ from them, with simple fairness.

We do not wish to be forgiven, but we wish Christians to so act that we will not have to forgive them. If all will admit that all have an equal right to think, then the question is forever solved; but as long as organized and powerful churches, pretending to hold the keys of heaven and hell, denounce every person as an outcast and criminal who thinks for himself and denies their authority, the world will be filled with hatred and suffering. To hate man and worship God seems to be the sum of all the creeds.”
Robert G. Ingersoll, Some Mistakes of Moses

William Beckford
“If she knew me as I really am she would despise me, and certainly not aid or abet my evil designs. To veil their vices from the sight of the good is the only resource of those who are not blind and know themselves to be vicious.' Thus was I confirmed in habits of hypocrisy; and these, for a time, worked only too effectually to my advantage.”
William Beckford, The Episodes of Vathek

Anthony Ryan
“You hide it well, but I can see it, Lord Verniers. You hate us. We have beaten you to obedience but it's still there, like dry tinder waiting for a spark.”
Anthony Ryan, Tower Lord

Christina Engela
“People who have practiced occult religions for many years are being told that they don't know the first thing about their own religion and its beliefs and practices - and that a bunch of zealots from another religion posing as 'experts' (in a religion they despise/ fear/ oppose and who peddle slander and misinformation about occult religions), are more credible than they are.

Non Seqitur. This does not follow.”
Christina Engela

Emil M. Cioran
“A man who survives himself despises himself without acknowledging as much, sometimes without even knowing as much.”
Emil M. Cioran, The Trouble With Being Born

Ufuoma Apoki
“Be so good at what You do . . .
Even those who hate You, or want to, wouldn't naturally have a chance to despise what You do.”
Ufuoma Apoki

Mehmet Murat ildan
“You must never despise the port you were born because no matter how small or how bad it is, it is the place you have started sailing to the universe!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Bangambiki Habyarimana
“Don't despise people because of their defects or because of their lack of talents and gifts. Imagine if people did it for you, how many friends would you be left with?”
Bangambiki Habyarimana, Pearls Of Eternity

Michael  Grant
“Then, Zil and a half dozen of his crew swaggered into the plaza from the far side. Astrid clenched her jaw. Would the crowd turn on them? She almost hoped so. People thought because she wouldn’t let Sam go after Zil she must not really despise the Human Crew’s Leader. That was wrong. She hated Zil. Hated everything he had done and everything he had tried to do.
Edilio moved quickly between Zil and a few of the boys who had started toward him, sticks and knives at the ready.
Zil’s kids were armed with knives and bats, and so were those who wanted to take them on. Edilio was armed with an assault rifle.
Astrid hated that this was what life so often came down to: my weapon is bigger than your weapon.
If Sam were here it would be about his hands. Everyone had either seen what Sam could do, or heard the stories retold in vivid detail. No one challenged Sam.”
Michael Grant, Lies

“...dans l'un comme dans l'autre cas, je me voyais obligé de passer toute ma vie en société intime avec ce qu'il y a sous le ciel de plus méprisable et de plus dégoûtant.”
Stendhal, The Red and the Black

Mehmet Murat ildan
“If you don’t despise the world under the clouds when you rise above the clouds, then it means you deserved to rise!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

“Hatred hardens and spiritually defeats a resentful person. Animosity aligns a person with what he or she despises and not with what they revere.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Luo Guanzhong
“That you cannot distinguish between the able and the incompetent shows that your eyes are corrupt. Your failure to chant the Odes and the Documents shows that your mouth is corrupt. Your rejection of loyal advice shows that your ears are corrupt. Your ignorance of past and present shows that your whole being is corrupt. Your conflicts with the lords of the realm show that your stomach is corrupt. Your dream of usurpation shows that your mind is corrupt. To make a renowned scholar like me serve as drum master is a poor imitation of the tricks of such villains of old as Yang Huo who slighted Confucius, or Zang Cang who tried to ruin Mencius. Do you think you can hold men in such contempt and still become the leader of the lords of the realm?”
Luo Guanzhong, Three Kingdoms

Nick Oliveri
“She learned to despise the smallest and the weakest, and most of all, herself.”
Nick Oliveri, The Conjurer

Richelle E. Goodrich
“He was a volcano that spewed only ashes and destruction, and they despised him for that lying tongue.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, A Heart Made of Tissue Paper

Seth Adam Smith
“Those who cling to the shadows will always hate and despise the light.”
Seth Adam Smith, Rip Van Winkle and the Pumpkin Lantern

Luigina Sgarro
“In hate feeling there is a more or less subtle estimation component.
You do not hate those who take advantage or prevails over someone who is incapable or weak (albeit temporarily), you can at most despise them.”
Luigina Sgarro

Dada Bhagwan
“You will fear the one you have contempt for. There is contempt for a snake, a tiger; that is why you are fearful (of them).”
Dada Bhagwan, The Science of Money

“Why do we despise one another? Don't we have the same God the Father, who created us?”
Lailah Gifty Akita

David Peace
“They hate me” I tell him. “Despise me. And they’ll hate you too. Despise you. But we’ll be here long after they’re all gone.”
David Peace, The Damned Utd

Steven Redhead
“There are those who wish ill intent but are able to smile at those that they despise.”
Steven Redhead, Life Is a Dance

Mick Herron
“Treat those you despise with humanity, especially if the reason you despise them is that they have none.”
Mick Herron, Slough House

“A leader is best when people barely know he exists, not so good when people obey and acclaim him, worst when they despise him,” he wrote. “Fail to honor others and they will fail to honor you. But of a good leader, who talks little, when his
work is done, his aims fulfilled, they will all say, ‘we did this ourselves.’ ”
Sam Walker, The Captain Class: The Hidden Force that Creates the World's Greatest Teams

Joe Abercrombie
“One cannot despise a thing without acknowledging its importance.”
Joe Abercrombie, The Trouble with Peace

Tali Sara
“There was nothing I craved and despised as much as being worshipped.”
Tali Sara, Screaming into Pillows

Mehmet Murat ildan
“You can despise big waves! But till when? Till you get a big slap from a big wave!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

“The human being likes to have something to despise;
and likes not having to run after.”
Augusto Branco

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