
An electronic book (eBook) is a digital form of a book that consists of text and sometimes images, or both. Common formats of ebooks include: .iba(Apple iBooks), .azw(Amazon Kindle), EPUB and PDF files.

The Alchemist by Paulo CoelhoThe Ultimate Human Secrets by Ramzi NajjarMan’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. FranklTao Te Ching by Lao TzuSoul Cure by Gregory Dickow
Life Transformation Books
3,209 books — 2,191 voters

Dark Lover by J.R. WardLover Awakened by J.R. WardLover Unbound by J.R. WardLover Eternal by J.R. WardLover Revealed by J.R. Ward
Great Vampire/Paranormal Romances
160 books — 109 voters
Yours Truly, Taddy by Avery AsterTagged by Joseph M. ChironLove, Lex by Avery AsterTracing the Contours by Honor Amelia DawsonHeart of Oak by David        Cook
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Charlie Brooker
Until recently, I was an ebook sceptic, see; one of those people who harrumphs about the “physical pleasure of turning actual pages” and how ebook will “never replace the real thing”. Then I was given a Kindle as a present. That shut me up. Stock complaints about the inherent pleasure of ye olde format are bandied about whenever some new upstart invention comes along. Each moan is nothing more than a little foetus of nostalgia jerking in your gut. First they said CDs were no match for vinyl. The ...more
Charlie Brooker

Shandy L. Kurth
What's cheaper than a gallon of gas? An ebook. Save a dollar, stay home and read! ...more
Shandy L. Kurth

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