buy order

(redirected from Buy Orders)

Buy order

An order to a broker to purchase a specific quantity of a security.
Copyright © 2012, Campbell R. Harvey. All Rights Reserved.

Buy Order

An instruction from an investor to a broker to buy a certain amount of a security. Buy orders may take various forms. For example, an investor may instruct the broker to buy immediately at the best available price, or to wait until a certain price is reached. See also: Sell order.
Farlex Financial Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All Rights Reserved

buy order

A brokerage order to purchase a specified quantity of a security.
Wall Street Words: An A to Z Guide to Investment Terms for Today's Investor by David L. Scott. Copyright © 2003 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Buy orders overwhelmed Tokyo stocks as the Dow Jones Industrial Average marked its second-biggest point drop ever on Thursday due to concern about rising US long-term interest rates.
Investigators at the Autorite des Marches Financiers noticed Obadia systematically matching buy orders processed by Lemaire for a Dexia fund about five years ago, and looked for connections between the pair.
It is possible they bought shares for their personal accounts at a lower price before they sent out large buy orders for the SSS's portfolio.
Zinc prices surged to their highest level in almost a decade on Wednesday while aluminium and copper prices were at their highest since 2014 as rises across most industrial metals triggered pre-set buy orders and a wave of speculative buying.
Based on an investigation spanning 2014 and 2015, the SECP found that a brokerage house and some of its clients were involved in price manipulation of a number of scrips by way of placing large number of non-bona fide orders of small quantity in preopen session, placement of buy orders at upper lock in preopen session and subsequently cancelling the buy orders placed in preopen session right at the start of the trading session, thereby creating artificial trading activity.
Based on an investigation spanning 2014 and 2015, the SECP found that a brokerage house and some of its clients were involved in price manipulation of a number of scripts by way of placing large number of non-bona fide orders of small quantity in pre-open session, placement of buy orders at upper lock in pre-open session and subsequently canceling the buy orders placed in pre-open session right at the start of the trading session, thereby creating artificial trading activity.
The abridged version of Flash Boys' thesis is this: After the passage of rules forced brokers to get the best price possible for trades executed on behalf of their clients, large sell or buy orders were rarely executed on one exchange.
"Interestingly 94 per cent of our net buy orders are being shipped to Hong Kong and Singapore vaults.
The three contracts came under a barrage of buy orders on speculation that prices will soar due to tight supply stemming from the March 11 quake and tsunami, radiation leaks at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant and July's deluge of rain in major rice-producing prefectures such as Niigata and Fukushima.
The exchange found that two dealers at San-ei's securities department placed buy orders at limit prices at which they did not intend to execute to cause price moves in TSE-listed stocks, that would be to the advantage of its proprietary trading operation.
Crude oil futures drew brisk buy orders backed by expectations that demand for energy will grow in light of the recovering world economy, market analysts said.