buy side

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Buy Side

The institutional investors that buy most securities available for sale on Wall Street. See also: Sell side.
Farlex Financial Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All Rights Reserved

buy side

The portion of the securities business in which institutional orders originate. In most instances, the buy side is limited to institutional buyers such as pension-fund portfolio managers. Individual investors are usually excluded from the buy side because they are not considered formal participants in the securities business. Compare sell side.
Wall Street Words: An A to Z Guide to Investment Terms for Today's Investor by David L. Scott. Copyright © 2003 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. All rights reserved.

Buy side.

Institutional money managers, such as mutual funds, pension funds, and endowments, are the buy side of Wall Street.

Buy-side institutions use proprietary research to make investments for the portfolios they manage and don't interact with or make recommendations to individual investors.

In contrast, sell-side institutions such as brokerage firms act as agents for individual investors when they buy and sell securities, and make their research available to their clients.

Dictionary of Financial Terms. Copyright © 2008 Lightbulb Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
"In spite of challenging regional market conditions, EFG Hermes is off to a strong start in 2018 aided by a strategy that focuses on building Egypt's leading NBFI platform, a larger buy side business and a sell side business that extends beyond MENA into frontier markets.
Respondents from the buy side manage around $1.5 trillion in Asian equities.
Based in the company's headquarters in New York, Wolf will manage sales and business development for FlexTrade's FX trading solutions for both the buy side and sell side markets.
M2 EQUITYBITES-July 17, 2017-FinCad portfolio and risk management solution for buy side
Both the buy side and sell side of the capital markets are investing heavily in cloud services, while other financial markets firms are set to increase spending on IT infrastructure
27 -- Buy side to invest in IT to reduce dependence on brokers whilst sell side will focus on product accounting for more complex, multi-asset strategies
RealTick also received two industry awards in 2011, being named the Best Provider of Execution Management Systems (EMS) by Waters Technology and Best EMS by Buy Side Technology magazines.
(#)"Buy-side firms need to be prepared ahead of a catastrophe and more rigorously assess counterparty risk in the normal course of their risk analysis systems," says Steve Wood, founder of Global Buy Side Trading Consultants and former global head of trading at Schroder Investment Management.
UGx(tm) is a gateway or trade bridge for global sell side brokers to connect with the buy side broker-dealer network that wish to trade Ethical and Sharia compliant securities.
"The Buy side and the Sell side alike are looking for the next step in terms of efficiency for the large corporate bond market.
Just as the rating agencies have been the enablers of CSFTs, providing credit ratings of these unique asset structures which have been absolutely crucial to acceptance on the Buy Side, now they purport to be able to assess the credit risk worthiness of specific hedge funds, a reflection of just how important hedge funds have become to providing liquidity in the global markets.