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1. any of the divisions of the academic year during which a school, college, etc., is in session
2. Law
a. an estate or interest in land limited to run for a specified period
b. the duration of an estate, etc.
c. (formerly) a period of time during which sessions of courts of law were held
d. time allowed to a debtor to settle
3. Maths either of the expressions the ratio of which is a fraction or proportion, any of the separate elements of a sequence, or any of the individual addends of a polynomial or series
4. Logic
a. the word or phrase that forms either the subject or predicate of a proposition
b. a name or variable, as opposed to a predicate
c. one of the relata of a relation
d. any of the three subjects or predicates occurring in a syllogism
5. Architect a sculptured post, esp one in the form of an armless bust or an animal on the top of a square pillar
6. Australian Rules football the usual word for quarter
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



(1) A word or word group that provides a precise definition of a concept and of its relations to other concepts within a particular subject field. Within that field, terms serve as specifying limiting definitions of their objects and phenomena and of their attributes and relationships.

Terms are significant only within a particular terminology. Unlike the meaning of words in the common language, the meaning of terms is not related to context. Within a particular system of concepts, a term is ideally monosemous, systematic, and stylistically neutral; examples are “phoneme,” “sinus,” and “surplus value.” Terms and nonterms, or words of colloquial speech, may shade into one another.

Terms are subject to the word-forming, grammatical, and phonetic rules of a given language. Terms are established either by assigning a specialized meaning to words of colloquial speech, or by means of borrowing and caiques of foreign terms. Modern linguistic scholarship tends toward the use of internationalisms in terminology and toward the semantic standardization of terminological systems within a particular discipline in different languages, that is, toward a monosemous correspondence among terms in different languages.

(2) In logic, an element of formalized language corresponding to the subject or object in the usual grammatical sense; also, the subject of a proposition in traditional logic. In the most widely accepted view, a term is an element of the premise of the propositions (statements) that form part of a categorical syllogism. Terms may be major, middle, or minor. A major term serves as the predicate (logical predicate) of a proposition that is the conclusion of a given syllogism. A minor term is the subject (logical subject) of the conclusion. A middle term does not form part of a syllogism’s conclusion, but it does form part of the proposition that serves as the syllogism’s premise.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


For an expression, any one of several quantities whose sum is the expression.
For a fraction, either the numerator or the denominator.
A set of (2 S +1)(2 L +1) atomic states belonging to a definite configuration and to definite spin and orbital angular momentum quantum numbers S and L.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

terminal figure, terminal statue

A decorative figure in which a head, or a head and bust, or the human figure to the waist and including the arms, is incorporated with (as if it were springing out of) a pillar which serves as its pedestal.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction. Copyright © 2003 by McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


A program by Michael O'Reilly <michael@iinet.com.au> for people running Unix who have Internet access via a dial-up connection, and who don't have access to SLIP, or PPP, or simply prefer a more lightweight protocol. TERM does end-to-end error-correction, compression and mulplexing across serial links. This means you can upload and download files as the same time you're reading your news, and can run X clients on the other side of your modem link, all without needing SLIP or PPP.

Latest version: 1.15.



Technology Enabled Relationship Management.
This article is provided by FOLDOC - Free Online Dictionary of Computing (foldoc.org)
References in periodicals archive ?
Section 4, Article VI of the 1987 Constitution provides: 'The term of office of the Senators shall be six years and shall commence, unless otherwise provided by law...
The property will benefit from a rate of 6.100% with a 10-year term. Carol Shelby and Benjamin Klugman handled this transaction.
Narrowing of the lines with increasing frequency is probably due to the fact that the [bar.q] interaction tends in general to decrease with increasing total quantum number of the corresponding discrete term.
Grassley holds considerable influence over the shape and scope of key "quality of life" issues and tax and spending matters impacting long term care.
Bush has never tried to fix the economy in the short term. His focus is on making long-term--and, he hopes, irreversible--changes to taxes and social programs; foreign policy; and the government's capacity to regulate the environment, natural resource use, and corporate behavior.
Eleventh District: Rosana Rodriguez, CDA, CDPMA, Peoria, AZ, appointed to a three-year term expiring 2007.
Reasons in favor of a limited term were: allowing for shifts in emphasis in a rapidly changing world, aligning more with the Lutheran church system and avoiding burnout.
Avoid terminations on grounds perceived as pretextual (such as termination for the breach of a technical provision of sudden termination for a longstanding breach of a term which had theretofore never been enforced).
If the grantor died before the expiration of the two-year term, the annuity was to be paid to her estate for the balance of the term.
On January 24th, the Idaho House of Representatives voted 50 to 20 to scuttle a 1994 statute to impose term limits.
The impact of these changes will only be perceptible over the medium to long term.