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TERISTeratogen Information System
TERISTest and Evaluation Range Internet System
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Compared with TERIS, ACE has the advantage that no foreign body is implanted, so there is no need for a removal procedure.
Teris Webb, BSN, RN, RNC, would like to congratulate MMHI staff for publishing Developing a Psychosocial Rehabilitation Treatment Mall: An Implementation Model for Mental Health Nurses in the Archives of Psychiatric Nursing.
Erotica, a UK trade show and exhibition, has selected the B-SA4TP printer from TOSHIBA TEC Europe (TERIS), a provider of barcode printers, point of sale systems, cash registers, scales, peripherals and software information systems, and LABTIC software from Avapac.
Throly belles thay rynge and requiem syngys; Dosse messes and matyns with mournande notes-- Relygeous reueste in theire riche copes, Pontyficalles and prelates in precyouse wedys, Dukes and dusszeperis in theire dule-cotes, Cowntasses knelande and claspande theire handes, Ladys languessande and lowrande to schewe-- All was buskede in blake, birdes and othire, That schewede at the sepulture, with sylande teris. Whas neuer so sorowfull a syghte seen in theire tym!
Teratogenic effects of drugs: a resource for clinicians (TERIS).
635 Target Professional Assoociates 2846 Teris L.L.C.
* Teratogen Information System (TERIS): http://depts.washington.edu/terisweb/teris.
These include a model for triazoles (based on 66 compounds), a composite model (275 compounds), developmental toxicants for mouse (101 compounds), developmental toxicants for rat (134 compounds), developmental toxicants for rabbit (66 compounds), developmental toxicants for humans (119 compounds), and FDA + TERIS (http:// www.depts.washington.edu/~terisweb/teris) data sets (323 compounds).
They paid particular attention to Pope John XXIII's encyclical letter, Pacem in Teris (1963), and to drafts of the Council's Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modem World (1965), two documents CPFers felt called Catholics to work for peace.
Depart fra Phebus did Aurora grete-Hir cristall teris I saw hyng on the flouris, (14-17) Describing these drops of moisture as tears from the Roman goddess of dawn elevates nature's condensation to a paradisiacal plain, and the striking visual of this image proves that this phenomenon of nature is anything but ordinary.