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Be a likeness of another structure.
Illustrated Dictionary of Architecture Copyright © 2012, 2002, 1998 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved
References in periodicals archive ?
A clothes seller has found himself in trouble after he was found selling garments that resemble police and military uniform.But while appearing in court in Nyeri on Tuesday, Mr Joseph Ndurere Waititu said that he innocently bought the consignment at Gikomba market in Nairobi.
Over the weekend, the designs went viral on social media with many users posting that the shoes resemble blackface.
Ivanka Trump may have her critics, but many women admire the first daughter's looks 6 apparently to the point that they would go under the knife to resemble her.
The department has decided to take action against security guards dressed in either civil clothes or uniforms that resemble those of police and Rangers.
That's the question addressed in the recent report "Electorate Representation Index: Which States Most Closely Resemble the U.S.?"
A While the Ballester-Molina does closely resemble the 1911 .45 it is very different in a number of ways internally, resembling the Star .45 Auto.
"We wanted to see whether a machine could answer questions, such as 'Do children resemble their parents?' 'Do children resemble one parent more than another?' and 'What parts of the face are more genetically inspired?'" Dehghan explained.
These five years, instead of European, Macedonia passed laws that resemble laws from Africa and the political dialogue resembles a dialogue of deaf people.
The fruit in question is not a kiwi but a feijoa that happens to resemble the flightless bird that is the national symbol of New Zealand.
Mitsuoka Motor is a small factory crafting classic-styled cars which resemble vehicles built in Britain in the 1950s and 1960s.
What is not discussed, however, is precisely how this essentially private enterprise will even remotely resemble a public space, or how permeable the site will be once the large auditorium lands in the middle.