(redirected from Reseller Option Kit)
ROKRepublic Of Korea
ROKRockwell Automation (Milwaukee, WI)
ROKRockhampton (Queensland, Australia)
ROKRise of Kunark (gaming; EverQuest)
ROKRepublic of Kazakhstan
ROKReseller Option Kit (software)
ROKRussisch-Orthodoxe-Kirche (German: Russian Orthodox Church)
ROKRiders of Kawasaki (motorcycle club)
ROKReturn on Knowledge (people investment)
ROKRuins Of Kunark
ROKRealms of Kaos (game)
ROKRoben Og Knud (Danish band)
ROKRegression Optimization for Kinetics
ROKRepublic of Kharras (Star Wars Galaxies organization)
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The Microsoft OEM Reseller Option Kit (ROK) is aimed at VARs wishing to purchase Microsoft's OEM Operating System and Dell PowerEdge servers separately, and is part of Dell's wider commitment to provide technology solutions that offer the most flexibility, highest value and least complexity, the two companies said.
Thomas Bauer, EMEA Multi-National Accounts general manager at Microsoft, said: "With the distribution network an increasingly important channel to market in the 'emerging countries' area, we are really excited that the OEM Reseller Option Kit package is now available from Dell."