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Be a likeness of another structure.
Illustrated Dictionary of Architecture Copyright © 2012, 2002, 1998 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved
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The ductal structures featured well-defined areas of central necrosis that resembled comedocarcinoma of the breast (figure).
Indeed, one is tempted to remark that if contemporary Prussia resembled a state attached to an army, Scotland resembled a state attached to a church.
Panton's works hung from ceilings or seemed to sprout from floors and were made of foam or plastic or chromed wire; they resembled very little of what had come before them.
In 1986 the undisputed Empress of Exhibition set a new standard of outrageous excess with a mutant Mohawk headdress, an avalanche of bugle heads, and not much else--she resembled a cross between a campy cockatoo and a reject from The Ziegfeld Follies.
The rank and file would be more disposed that way, the more their corporate officers resembled non-physician executives in ordinary business firms, and the less the rank and file had to lose.
AND SO IT WAS THAT ON THE FIRST PALM SUNDAY THE PEOPLE of Jerusalem offered to a man riding a donkey something of themselves--those large leaves that resembled their outstretched hands.
We report a case of a primary right anterior ethmoid meningioma that resembled a mucocele in its presentation.
At the first viewing of the model, shocked parishioners thought the sheer facades of the hondo resembled a cage, but were.