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the adult female of a horse or zebra


1. any of a large number of huge dry plains on the surface of the moon, visible as dark markings and once thought to be seas: Mare Imbrium (Sea of Showers)
2. a similar area on the surface of Mars, such as Mare Sirenum
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(mah -ree, -ray, mair -ee) (plural: maria) a large relatively smooth dark area on the surface of a planet or satellite. The word is used in the approved name of such a surface feature. (Latin: sea)
Collins Dictionary of Astronomy © Market House Books Ltd, 2006


[′mär·ā, mer]
One of the large, dark, flat areas on the lunar surface.
One of the less well-defined areas on Mars.
(vertebrate zoology)
A mature female horse or other equine.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in classic literature ?
"Quiet, darling, quiet!" he said, patting her again over her hind-quarters; and with a glad sense that his mare was in the best possible condition, he went out of the horse-box.
Dominicus knew the place; and the little mare stopped short by instinct; for he was not conscious of tightening the reins.
I didn't even forget to put on the hat that the doctor's mare was eating her oats out of, as well as she could with a bit, or it alone would have landed me.
The son of Nestor then took the mare and gave her over to Menelaus, whose anger was thus appeased; as when dew falls upon a field of ripening corn, and the lands are bristling with the harvest--even so, O Menelaus, was your heart made glad within you.
And he used to drive about the country, with the clay-coloured gig with the red wheels, and the vixenish mare with the fast pace, till he gave up business many years afterwards, and went to France with his wife; and then the old house was pulled down.'
While he was riding over the heath in the highest of spirits the mare suddenly said to her rider: 'You are the first person who has ever succeeded in outwitting the old witch Corva, and now you may ask what reward you like for your service.
All at once laughter broke into a roar and covered everything: the mare, roused by the shower of blows, began feebly kicking.
you beauty!" the girl cried, leaning forward impulsively in the saddle and pressing her cheek to the mare's neck where it burned flame-color in the sun.
The tearing of the cruel barb into her side brought a sudden scream of pain and fright from the mare, and then they both wheeled and broke for safety; but Tarzan of the Apes, for a distance of a few yards, could equal the speed of even these, and the first stride of the mare found her overhauled, with a savage beast at her shoulder.
He refuses to ride my mare because she was a little fractious yesterday."
My brother's expenses have been higher, as well, and I was driven to the conclusion that since I could not afford both, I'd better let the mare go and keep the brother."
3000, and it would well support three or four times that number; of mares 800, together with 150 broken-in horses, and 600 sheep.