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References in classic literature ?
I could make out the Selby Smelter on the Contra Costa shore and the Mare Island lighthouse.
Daylight, after I had been four hours in the water, found me in a parlous condition in the tide-rips off Mare Island light, where the swift ebbs from Vallejo Straits and Carquinez Straits were fighting with each other, and where, at that particular moment, they were fighting the flood tide setting up against them from San Pablo Bay.
It was in the early spring of 1940 that Gluck destroyed the Mare Island navy-yard.
It is true, Bannerman was in Vallejo, on secret government business, at the time of the destruction of Mare Island; and it is true that on the streets of Vallejo Emil Gluck was pointed out to him as a queer crank; but no impression was made at the time.
Most denounced the story as utter nonsense including Captain Howison, commandant of the Mare Island navy yard:
MARE ISLAND, Calif., July 10, 2019 /PRNewswire/--Factory_OS, a leader in revolutionizing home construction by building multifamily homes more affordably and sustainably while creating jobs, and funding innovation, received strategic investments from Autodesk, Inc.
Silver: Cline Old Vine Zinfandel entered by Affinity Creative Group, Mare Island, Calif.
In August 2007, he entered medical school at Touro University California at Mare Island in the San Francisco Bay Area.
The company is seeking approval to acquire a 157-acres parcel of land on Mare Island in Vallejo that once housed a military facility.
During World War I, he worked as a ship builder at Mare Island Navy Yard in California.