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(computer science)
In COBOL, a symbolic description of each data element or item according to specified rules concerning numerals, alphanumerics, location of decimal points, and length.
The image on the screen of a television receiver.
(graphic arts)
The image produced by a photographic process.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


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In programming, a pattern that describes the type of data allowed in a field or the way the data should be printed. The pattern is made up of a character code for each character in the field; for example, 9999 is a picture for four numeric digits. A picture for a telephone number could be (999) 999-9999. Three alphanumerics followed by three numeric digits might be XXX999. Pictures are similar, but not identical, in all programming languages. See also graphics and graphics formats.

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