look (a little/bit) off

(redirected from look a bit off)
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look (a little/bit) off

1. To look sickly, unwell, or out of sorts, either physically or mentally. You're looking a little off, Jim. Are you feeling all right? That dog on the corner looks a bit off. I think we should walk another way home.
2. To appear somewhat strange, incorrect, inaccurate, or substandard. A: "The rest of your portrait is coming along really well, but the hands look a bit off." B: "I know, hands are just so hard to draw!" The gameplay is great, but the characters' faces look a little off.
3. Of food, to appear spoiled or rotten. These chicken breasts look a little bit off—I don't think we should risk it.
See also: little, look, off

look off

In sports, especially American football, to mislead an opponent with one's eyes as to one's intentions in a given play. A noun or pronoun can be used between "look" and "off." Looking off the free safety, the quarterback made an incredible pass to his wide receiver down the center of the field. I looked the defender off and booked it to the end zone.
See also: look, off
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