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1. a meeting or conference, esp of representatives of a number of sovereign states
2. a national legislative assembly


1. the bicameral federal legislature of the US, consisting of the House of Representatives and the Senate
2. this body during any two-year term
3. (in India) a major political party, which controlled the Union government from 1947 to 1977
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



(1) A meeting of the leaders or representatives of countries, territories, or organizations. A congress is also a type of international conference (for example, the Congress of Vienna of 1814–15; the World Peace Congresses; the World Congress for Peace, National Independence, and General Disarmament of 1965; and various scientific congresses).

(2) In some countries, including Bolivia, Brazil, Venezuela, Honduras, Colombia, Mexico, and the Philippines, the name of the legislative body or of one of its houses. In the United States the Congress is the highest legislative body; it consists of two houses—the House of Representatives (435 representatives; elected every two years) and the Senate (100 senators, two from each state, elected for a six-year term, with one-third of the members elected every two years). In France the congress is the joint session of both houses of parliament.

(3) The name of some national organizations in a number of countries (for example, the Indian National Congress Party in India).



a meeting of representatives (delegates) of any of various organizations or groups, or of those active in a particular field of endeavor (see, , and ). In several organizations, the congress is the highest body.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
"When Rahul Gandhi had resigned from the party president's post even then I had suggested that there was a need for the implementation of the 2.0 Version of the Kamaraj Plan, and all members of the CWC and AICC office bearers to submit their resignations to give Rahul Gandhi a free hand to reorganise and revamp the Congress party," he said.
The BSP chief's announcement comes nearly a fortnight after her statement ruling out an alliance with the Congress in Chhattisgarh where she tied up with former chief minister Ajit Jogi's party Janata Congress for the Assembly elections due next month.
The congress committee chairman, however, expressed satisfaction with the way and manner party leaders were handling the affairs of the party.
While being more diverse than the Republicans, almost 80 percent of the Democrats in Congress also referred to themselves as Christians.
The ex- Tripura Congress chief said he had started writing to the party high command right from the time both the Congress and the CPI- M were holding talks to forge an electoral alliance in West Bengal.
By contrast, 4% of those most critical of Congress say its members care a lot about what their own constituents want them to do; 21% strongly disagree with this statement.
Despite increases in the number of women serving in Congress over time, Figure 2 shows that only 2.2% of Members in United States history, as of the beginning of the 112th Congress, have been women (6).
In election reform, the LWVUS successfully opposed an attempt by Congress to manipulate the voting process by discriminating against legal voters and discouraging voter participation.
As noted above, the 110th Congress will hold hearings on Sarbanes-Oxley, and several bills have been introduced to make section 404 of the act less costly.
What's unclear at this point is whether a Democratic Congress and a Republican President will be able to accomplish very much over the next two years--especially with so many House and Senate members of both parties thinking about running for President in 2008.
He is the first Muslim elected to Congress, and his plan to swear the oath on a Koran drove some Religious Right groups into a state of hysteria.
Call it a backlash against the antigay regime led by President Bush's allies in Congress. Bills to repeal the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy and provide protections against discrimination and violent crimes are now getting serious consideration.

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