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In gene-culture coevolution, contradictory and conflicting behaviors can power a kind of evolutionary arms race.
However, researchers such as Lowry and his team are redefining the hygiene hypothesis to add another side of the coevolution story.
So you have a case here of what science calls coevolution: the life history of two species-in this case, the predator and its ectoparasite-are so entwined that the extinction of the host would mean the extinction of the other,' Ibanez said.
The behavior of Moda Praia indicates greater competitive interaction, limited sharing of superficial information and unarticulated coevolution, characteristics of companies at Level 1 of complex adaptation (Unconscious Self-organization).
But spreading the message that there's no universal, tight coevolution has taken time.
Inspired by the coevolution phenomenon in nature, in Cooperative Particle Swarm Optimization (CPSO) [7], multiple swarms are partitioned uniformly to optimize different components of the solution vector cooperatively.
On the basis of a number of historical case studies, the next chapter ('The Coevolution of Religion and State') shows that the state and religion are entangled: the state shapes religion and religion shapes the state.
In one of his research papers i-e "Coevolution of intelligent agents using cartesian genetic programming" he has presented the method for co-evolving neuro-inspired developmental programmes for playing checkers.
My amateur opinion, however, is that the understanding of the evolution of the human species as a "symbiosis" or "coevolution" (11) of genes and culture is here to stay.
Coevolution of mutualism between ants and acacias in Central America.