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A rough depression, flaw, or blemish in a plaster finish coat.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction. Copyright © 2003 by McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Aberrations like "catface" and ribbing of the fruits occur, especially when there are weather problems, like when it is hot and the soil is too dry and the plants are not watered.
The conditions called cracking and catface are both caused by environmental conditions, not insects or disease.
The MOU was signed in April and allows for the exploration of copper on Catface Mountain on Ahousaht territory.
Many of these spare, crisp stories center around an unusual experience precipitated by the narrator's encounters with odd people, like a roommate named Catface who eats the food the narrator had intended to feed his three-legged dog, or another roommate who kidnaps his landlady, then slices himself in two under a freight train.