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Robert. 1573--1605, English conspirator, leader of the Gunpowder Plot (1605): killed while resisting arrest
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
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"That's what we did." Full plans include: Catesby Road speed cushions Catesby Road/Jubilee Crescent junction tightening Cheveral Avenue/Jubilee Crescent junction tightening Jubilee Crescent pedestrian crossing areas Cheveral Avenue speed cushions, pedestrian refuge, and existing zebra crossing raised The speed cushions - a type of road hump - will not stretch across the whole of the road, but be split in "twos and threes" to keep noise disturbance to a minimum.
Catesby Langer-Paget, the head of Savills Egypt, said: "The Savills journey in Egypt to date has been a great success.
Catesby was born in Lapworth, and though Elizabethan authorities were busy persecuting Catholics through the turn of the sixteenth century, the Midlands was a stronghold for the old faith.
I would have valued having someone like Catesby Leigh to advise us early on, but no one volunteered.
The actor's parents are playwright Deborah Catesby and businessman Sir David Richard Harington.
Well, it was important to see why Robert Catesby and the men around him decided to try to kill many, many people.
Meanwhile, Percy and Robert Catesby were shot dead while on the run and escaped the executioners' butchery, although heir bodies were exhumed and decapitated, and their heads exhibited on spikes outside Parliament.
Long before Catesby and Guy Fawkes came along, Catholic and Protestant heretics were hanged, drawn and quartered or burned at the stake across Europe.
This was the home of the Catesby family where, in 1605, Robert Catesby and Guy Fawkes gathered with their conspirators to plan the Gunpowder Plot.
As well as acting as executive producer, Kit is actually playing his ancestor, Robert Catesby, who was the real mastermind behind the gunpowder plot, despite the fact that Guy Fawkes is better known.
As well as being the executive producer on this new drama, he plays the true mastermind behind the Gunpowder Plot, Robert Catesby.
You're playing your ancestor, Robert Catesby? MY mother's maiden name is Catesby and my middle name is Catesby, so way back when we were thinking about doing this piece, I knew I wanted to be in it and I knew it would hopefully help get it made, but I didn't know if I wanted to be Fawkes or Catesby or which of the plotters.